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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. Run your patcher to prevent errors from the new valkyrie weapons. Let me know the outcome.
  2. Nice update! Have my dislikes and doubts with some changes but we'll see how it turns out. Also I'm very much waiting for a valkyrie weapon for star gladiators. cause some classes now have multiple valk weaps I assumed each class should at least have one :O. Maybe an idea for the next update ? ;O.
  3. There's no way to really make it "faster" However I recommend you to have a duel client open next to your char. So when the npc glitches you can deal your own character and get rid of the npc bubble.
  4. Genesis is to be thanked for that, mostly. :wink:
  5. Welcome back old-one. :3. Enjoy your stay.
  6. Ryuk

    Valkyrie Classes

    Any smart person would pick such a helmet over a gvh or IMP. Cause it would be better for the class they play/main. You will be forcing people to give up their color helmets to get a better helmet but with an set color. Making a gvh needed for the quest might keep the gvh helmets wanted. But all imps would degrade in price greatly. Honestly I just dont think we need even better forsaken helms than we already have x.x;
  7. We already have an event called Survival. In which people get warped to a specific map. The gms will spawn mvps and the players will try to survive. This goes on until only one player remains. That player wins the event. This even seems very similar to the event you've just suggested.
  8. Ryuk

    Valkyrie Classes

    The suggested helmet would completely destroy the current golden valk helmet and imps. So I disagree with those. Aside from the above post I've already stated I highly disagree with customizing the way suggested.
  9. I am the batman.... or am I ? ... Yes. I am the batman.

    1. Nelly


      who your ROBIN FTW!

    2. Ryuk


      Don't have one yet. Anyone interested ? =D

    3. BlackWolf


      - raises paw- ^_^

  10. Ryuk

    Valkyrie Classes

    Yes, that could be possible. Yet I highly disagree with doing that. You pick a class for a reason. I think adding enlarge weight limit to each class already imbalanced things. I really would not like to see any more of those changes. But that's just me I guess.
  11. Ryuk

    Valkyrie Classes

    The server doesn't utilize 3rd classes because there has not been a stable release of them yet. We dont want to bring in a bugged new update. Implementing something like this takes coding far beyond little source edits. Therefore I can pretty much assure you this won't happen. Besides the possiblity of adding it. I also disagree with it because I always like to stay close to the roots of RO. But that's just my opinion.
  12. Awww :3 *hugs* :D

  13. Ryuk


    I'm quite active on the forums as well, and I know this feeling as well. The forum chat would be awesome :3.
  14. Ryuk

    Vote Token Items

    What about all the people that payed 60 for them ? x.x; You cant just change the price of the item and not suspect people to complain X.x
  15. Already a known problem. Genesis should already know about it cause it was reported before (not too long ago).
  16. It's not broken. The change was an official update. In order for your tuxedo or wedding dress to show up you have to get married. After getting married you will have the dress/tuxedo sprite until you die or relog.
  17. Haha no problem, that's what I do ;P. Glad it worked.

  18. I agree that the dex sword at this moment does not quite benefit the sinx class. However the weapons were implemented to even out classes. Sinx already were one of the stronger classes so their weapons shouldn't be as good as some others (however the crit sword matches up to the best weapons). Making this sword into a dagger would be OP in my opinion, specially if used for breaking. Emps break too quickly already (in my opinion) changing this into another emp breaking weapon would get us one step back into the "Only rush to emp and break" kinda of woe in which nobody would try to guard anymore cause the emperium breaks so fast. In my opinion the DEX weapon should get what it's name indicates. Add dex to it and perhaps some hit rating as well. Keep it as a sword and decrease the luk of the wearer to prevent constant criticals. This way it could be used as a thana or incant weapon without the need of a lot of base dex or a phreeoni card. Just my 2 cents, Regards, Ryuk
  19. Very nice idea, even though I don't have the skills to do this I still like the idea very much.
  20. Ryuk

    Nerd Wars !

    Very interested in the turn-out as well.
  21. I had the first game but got extremely bored of it after playing it once. Haven't touched it since o.o;
  22. Nice indeed. Thanks for sharing.
  23. Ryuk

    I Draw Stuff.

    Adorable as always~
  24. Ryuk

    *Stalks you while you stalk me* ;D

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