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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. No response from the topic creator in 4 days. Assuming this is fixed. Closing..
  2. Follow the following steps : 1: Download this file. 2: Extract (aka unpack) the file into your RO folder. 3: Run the patcher. 4: Run the game. You should now be errorless. Let me know the outcome.
  3. Follow the following steps : 1: Download this file. 2: Extract (aka unpack) the file into your RO folder. 3: Run the patcher. 4: Run the game. You should now be errorless. Let me know the outcome.
  4. Alright, glad it's solved. closing this.
  5. Ryuk

    Super Novice.

    http://forum.forsaken-ro.net//index.php?showtopic=19538 . This indeed has already been accepted. Please check the accepted suggestions subforum before making your own suggestion :O !. This topic can be moved/closed :o!
  6. I agree with this suggestion as well. It would be useful to have the forum referring to the actual site as well, not just the other way around.
  7. Ryuk

    I Draw Stuff.

    One word. Epiccc.
  8. Been like this ever since RO started. :mellow:
  9. Ryuk


    Quest is hard enough, besides you can't just change the quest after it's been in-game like this for so long. So I disagree.
  10. Ryuk


    Try now, it should be fixed. Let me know the outcome.
  11. Answers have been given. Leaving this open for one more day in case there are any further questions.
  12. I dont think they mean the percentages are too high.... Just the fact that snipers are insanely OP when it comes to damage already is what they're pointing at ...
  13. Was just wondering cause I played WolfRO with Lige as it's owner ;P.
  14. Leaving this open for one more day.
  15. Welcome to the server. If you have any questions whatsoever feel free to contact me. I also have 1 question for you. Was Lige the owner of that WolfRO you played ? Cause there's been several and I played on that one xD
  16. Ryuk


    How much gears were you carrying at the moment you took the screenshot though ?
  17. Well just being able to fight 3 targets is underpowered like hell. So any other suggestions then ?
  18. Not sure if it's possible but add a 100% chance to autocast miracle when attacking. This way you wouldn't only be able to fight 3 classes. Or just implement an npc or command to reset the targets (I think this is accepted already but it could be added to this weapon to autocast star glad's hidden skill.)
  19. Ryuk


    You're gonna need to be able to switch gears. How much other gears are you carrying (Oh and I was 27 str off, big deal ! :O ) ? Also you're int is too low to hit anyone properly geared with your jupitel thunder.
  20. Ryuk


    Level 5 for them sounds fine to me. Don't know how others think about it though.
  21. Ryuk


    Why should the gunners get it but not clowns/gypsies ? Gunners are dex based as well. And why should stalker and sniper get it as well but not gypsies/clowns ? it makes no sense. In fact in my opinion NONE of the classes should have it except for the merchant class. That aside. Gypsies clowns can carry about 150 seeds. Not berries unless you have over 150 base str which is rediculous. Dex based classes shouldn't have the same weight limit, And int classes shouldn't have the same limit either. Yet they DO have the same limit on here. So it would only be fair to either remove it from all classes except the original merchant class. Or add it to the rest as well.
  22. I disagree. I think some classes could use a boost to the tao card yes. But dont put them all on an even boost. It would imbalance too much, hence why it was changed in the first place. Also Whitesmiths needed this buff as they are supposed to be one of the main tanking classes in the game. However they had the lowest hp out of nearly all classes.
  23. Grats, I'm proud of you <3
  24. Prefer this over the high amount of chances they got with the previous rule set. Nice change.
  25. Download this http://www.megaupload.com/?d=90YRVB6O file and unpack it into your RO folder. (You need WinRar or Winzip to unpack).

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