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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. Did you reset your characters gear after installing the small installer ? Also if you use any of the following : Flapping devil wings, helm of hermes, piamette ears, poring letter. Then please reset your character looks and you can try re-equipping them. If you error again you found the source of your error. These few sprite files seem to cause some trouble with our installer. We'll be fixing this very shortly :)
  2. Alright. Glad everything works for you now. :) if you find any errors please do report them to me. And I'm not sure what caused the recall error. However if it happens more often we can look into that too :).
  3. If you have any errors with the newest updated files. Please report them to me !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryuk


      5 AM now. I'm gonna go to bed. All remaining errors will be fixed shortly!

    3. Danny
    4. Ryuk


      DanMan. PM me if you're still experiencing difficulties :P.

  4. The patcher oftenly appears to be freezing. The letters at the bottom get bold and seem to be stuck. However the patcher is still going on and the button on the left will light up eventually. You only won't be able to keep track of the progress. This only happens with very large updates so don't worry too much about it. Just let it run for quite a while and it should be fine. I'm currently also testing items etc with the newest small installer and I'll try to fix any errors I find as soon as I can. However the clock's ticking and it's 2:36 AM for me atm. So I might not be able to fix the errors before tomorrow.
  5. Please check the announcement topic and download the files in there. If any errors remain after you downloaded that I'll fix them asap.
  6. For anyone that errors. Check the link in Genesis' second post. Download the file and install it into your RO folder. If you still error at your character screen then reset your look through our control pannel. Afterwards you should not error anymore.
  7. Yup. Make sure you download the newest files tomorrow and you should be set and errorless :O
  8. I personally have not heard of any estimated time when it comes to the voting system. Can't help you with that, sorry. Perhaps Genesis has more information on it's progres.
  9. Just google for WinRAR and you should get a lot of uploads from the program. You can even download it off the official website. If you have to sleep soon you can also just wait for the newest files to be uploaded by Genesis and try them tomorrow :).
  10. The file you tried to use is only if you're erroring from older headgears such as the hermes hat, piamette ears and mouthpieces. In order to use it you have to unpack it by using the WinRAR program. Adobe can't unpack files so it won't be able to read it. Download WinRAR and use it to unpack the newer data file into your RO folder. Overwrite all if it asks you to and your game-errors should be gone. So either use WinRaR or wait for the upload of the newest all-in-one installer.
  11. Giving this topic two more days. If there's no new reports I'll asume it's fixed :)
  12. Player informed me in-game that the error is solved. Closing this topic.
  13. I'm assuming this solved your errors ? :)
  14. Please go to this topic and download the files that are posted there. Extract the file into your RO folder and overwrite all. It should fix your current errors :). Please let me know if it works for you or not. Regards, Ryuk
  15. You overwrite them yes. So basically you replace them. :) Let me know the outcome ! Regards, Ryuk
  16. Alright. This file should fix your current errors. :3. I apologize that it took a while before anything was done regarding the errors as I wasn't aware that people were erroring until I saw this topic. It's 2:30 am now so I'm off to bed. Please post here whether this file fixed the errors for you or not and I'll check the forums tomorrow :). Regards, Ryuk
  17. I am aware that there's a few older headgears that error with the new full installer. The same headgears have errored for quite a while unless you used my files. I'll probably be able to create a fix but I might have to talk to Genesis first. For the time being you'll have to refrain from using the known headgears such as flappy deviling wings, helm of hermit and piamette ears. Even the mouthpieces might error at this time but I'll see what I can do. :3. PS. If you error from the new activity headgears then you did not install the new full installer properly. If you do that you will be errorless, aside from a few older headgear sprites. @oneinchfist if you didn't delete the old files you would still error from the new mobs, maps and possibly items as well. So it's not an option to keep the old files. You will need the new All-In-One. I'll just have a create an alternate data file or make some changes to the current one to fix the old headgear sprite errors.
  18. If you error please don't post it here but make a new topic in the support section. AsBloodRunsBlack you need to download the new All-in-One installer and install it in a new folder. This wil solve your bra_dun error.
  19. This will probably work for you : 1 : Download This 2 : Once it's done downloading extract it into your folder and overwrite all. 3 : After that run your Forsaken-RO patcher 4 : It should now update and overwrite any possible corrupted files and update you completely. 5 : you should now be errorless xD. Let me know if this works for you, Ryuk
  20. If the Manual patch doesn't solve your problem, send me a PM and I'll send you a fix.
  21. Ryuk

    Need A Tech Geek.

    It is possible that this is not caused by a virus. I'd recommend you to disable auto-updating from windows. One of svchost's highest cpu drainers is arranging the automatic updates from windows. If you disable those you should have less instances of svchost and (unless you have the virus one) it will no longer take up 99% of your cpu. Edit : Do make sure you manually update once in a while if you disable this feature.
  22. Been 10 days since the last post made by the topic creator. Closing this, assuming it is solved.
  23. Please use the search function on the forums. There's already about 7 topics about this error. Please check This topic. The answer is in there. Regards, Ryuk
  24. Goodluck to everyone applying! :3.
  25. Again, we do not recommend using renewal files. Neither do we recommend using files from sources other than our own. Telling people to re-install their entire game is not really a fix to everything. Not to mention it takes an afwul lot of time compared to getting just a few files or changing some settings to solve the same problem. @zombie&Norse : As for the connection problem. Please let me know if you are still having trouble logging in.
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