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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. maybe this should be a rant
  2. about the bob event you would have to ask sensation.
  3. finding bob event plz. make it so you need like 10 people to save him. make the prize interesting.
  4. we will not be liable for any consequences arising by reason of an Act of God, fire, natural disaster, accident, act of government, shortages of labor, material or supplies, wars, civil disturbances or any other similar circumstances. basically your sol.
  5. didnt know the number of mobs changed. if thats the case agree to changing it back, but disagree to making the map smaller. smaller map=less spots to farm at and more spawn campers.
  6. supream

    Music Videos

  7. supream

    Skoll Card

    if you can afford to buy a thanatos card then you can afford to buy 2 weapons. doing 90k- oblivion damage with no way to reduce it wouldnt make people wana play this game. skolls lower vit defense that should signal you to use a certain combination of cards already. thanatos is used in gangs and getting people off guard. the only class that can use thanatos without having it be nullified are champions.
  8. supream

    Harry Potter

    good movie. alot of dialog and had satisfying action i guess. i wonder what happened to fluffy could of use him in that fight.
  9. what are u talking about my picture is on the page before this one.
  10. took a while but my set is finally complete.
  11. the gun is still breakable.
  12. supream


    -_____________________-. ahrm i had 2 f sets and 3 weapons in storage just for that reason. im a pretty good player if i think so myself, so if u have 6 fsets in your inventory then thats on you.
  13. supream


    what are you talking about?
  14. supream


    i could carry 150 why can u only hold 40?
  15. u scared im gonna use it? /gg
  16. supream

    Soo Sad

    what happened to my post? was i breaking da rules for showing proof.
  17. this was talked about a long time ago. aura blade dosent make your weapon like incan. it adds and addiltional 200 damage that ignores defense.
  18. will this decrease lag or something?
  19. this is beyond source editing. creating new classes is something gravity dose. why make new classes when there are third classes already made.
  20. supream


    go see it. its worth every penny. not going to spoil it for anyone that wants to see this.
  21. disagree if the mob drops 5 items and u need 3 just use @autoloot and drop the 2 u dont need it wont kill u.
  22. yesterday is the best one in my opinion.
  23. thana dosent work on champions, well not the normal way.
  24. actually to give credit where credit is due, beil started this.
  25. double devs! thats what i do when people try to copy me.
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