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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. like the one i put up?
  2. supream

    Sp Increase

    how about we do half sp boost and half sp consumption.
  3. supream

    Sp Increase

    i see what your saying cirrus. not many people attack without fbh on anyways so wouldnt see the problem, but someone would find a way to make it one. we might need a % increase. to make a flat sp boost that would make a good effect on fbh we would need like +1k sp or something. try 40%. or if this is way to hard maybe some reduce consumption by half. sounds like alot. but it would be the same as doubling sp on fbh i guess. if anyone has anything better let me know.
  4. supream

    Sp Increase

    since my last suggestion was about a fix, and you guys said it was never broken. how about a sp boost. and or sp consumption reduce. ill let other people comment on how much.
  5. supream

    My Topics

    i applaud good conversation, but in this case you guys were ranting in the wrong section. giving good input on a class wont get a topic close. you guys ranted on who could play or not which got mine closed.ive seen the stalker soaring bird and ask people who had it. since this is the rant section of the forum, there really isnt a topic set for this post.
  6. supream

    My Topics

    those numbers are accurate. i go off by what i am told. i assume u do the same right? use some math skills that you may have. if you dont have any i apologize for assuming you do. i was responding to the previous post, and my post wont get the topic close like how your posts did mine.
  7. old stalker soaring(20% or 15% idk) + kings shield and usak(55%)=75% or 70% off the back. new stalker soaring(5% so ive been told) and friggs shield and usak(60%)= 65%. so even with the new shield stalkers dont have as much reduces as they did before. but with the kings shield now they only have 60%. thats without the sgw and poring hat. but even so combat knife + friggs shield + usak + sgw + poring hat + the other middle head gear= 98% reduces. its not 100% but its still not fun for anyone trying to kill them. starts to get cheap over time.
  8. supream

    My Topics

    but you dont think the people who donated for what they saw dont deserve a little bit more compensation (as in more sp from the weapon) then what they are getting now?
  9. supream

    My Topics

    hello, im 16 not 3, use grownup words not your normal baby dribble. you should know more then anyone i know how to play lk. i felt as if the apparent stats of the lkh wasnt enough compensation for lowering damage and removing coma.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeeLDadND_Y was playing final fantasy and thought about this song. maybe this would be good.
  11. supream

    My Topics

    the things you guys said was irrelevant to the sp boost. maybe if the community lacked buffoonery, i wouldnt have to specify my topic so you guys wouldnt deviate from the matter at hand. i hope everyone playing isnt 3 years old who needs directions on every single detail.
  12. supream

    My Topics

    second time this happened. why is it when i make certain topics, people rant about other things that dont pertain to it and it gets closed without anyone solving the issue i suggested.
  13. thats me if you guys were wondering. not my best pic but know u get a general idea.
  14. well since not a lot of people have this shield yet why not put my 2 cents in. i dont really like reduces. makes fighting cheap and boring. why not make it add hp or make it give less sp consumption. seems better to me then reducing damage.
  15. kind of wired that the class who had the skill first has a lower level then someone else who gets it next.
  16. supream

    Post Your Character!

    :bigeyed: :blink:
  17. having pvp turned off when woe isnt happening will make the only place to get kills to ladder would be lms and the pvp room where the gms can easily find cheating. and during woe you would only need like 4 gms to check the woe maps of the people whos laddering.
  18. supream

    10 Seconds

    so then how did gravity program it?
  19. supream

    10 Seconds

    can we make it so when u log onto a character, the 10 seconds wont activate unless you get hit. kind of annoying having to wait 10 seconds to log out on a character that you didnt mean to pick. this is possible cause iro has it.
  20. supream

    Over Weight

    but what about taking out the losing items if your overweight thing.
  21. supream

    I'm Sad...

  22. more people buy crit swords because of what it says on the donation list. i would of had no idea that the dex sword doubles attack from what it says on the donation list. it looks like the me the dex sword is pointless compared to the crit just by reading what the donation list says.
  23. disable pvp in woe maps when woe isnt going on. idc about lms. technically they have to kill everyone to win lms, so killing their alt accounts and others could be a questionable ban.
  24. supream

    Over Weight

    how it is now is you lose items if your over weight. why not just take that out and leave it as it is.
  25. supream


    make these npcs host new events like in turbo room and make it a race. or maybe auto dice were it warps out people who stand on the wrong number. disguise event was kind of broken i think on some servers, but if you guys can get it then that would be a good one. all the other events like hide&seek, password, lms, team lms and such should be left to real gms.
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