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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. supream


    if this is gladiator i can teach you. sense u know im your superior. :cool:
  2. supream


    there suppose to be fixing this so this wont happen but if they are doing this on purpose then report them, but if its a accident just keep going.
  3. yea ur right dark illusion is like charge attack but it dose not push u back. trample will make trap's useless in woe. fallen and goh when i used it dose not always hit alotand when it did yea it did so dmg but not as much as asura. in order to nerf tiger cannon you gotta change the scrip. also this hasnt been talked about. clowns and gypsies deep sleep skill cant be resisted by gemini cards or anything and its spamable so it will cause a lot of complaints.
  4. first for shadow form i know they cant use any skills or items but for ganging all the have to do is shadow form someone and have a friend asura the stalker and the person the stalker used shadow form on will die. we tried nerfing tiger cannon but it didnt work it still did way to much dmg since it cant be resisted at all it will do max dmg every time. marduk card wont stop cursed circle. idk if antidote will work if u been oblivious cursed with poison since its a skill u have to use.
  5. according to geni, i think, third classes wont be on this server. anyways, gate of hell and fallen empire is weak, the real problem would be the following skills: shadow form cause it will cause sever ganging, cursed circle cause it will cause champs to spam it stupidly, deep sleep skill cause clowns will spam it stupidly and it cant be resisted, tiger cannon cause its not a element move nor can it be resisted by anti demi human stuff, veenom pressure with oblivious curse cause it silences u for 300 seconds,and maybe paladin cause they have a skill that adds 40% more reflect or maybe it was just a bug.
  6. supream


    well more hp would indeed add more dmg to final strike, but with resists on it dosent do nearly as much as asura ( not saying that it should since its easier to spam) but it should do more then 30k.
  7. supream


    i think ninjas should get a boost since other classes did. ninja weapons should be one handed. Also they should get a weight and hp boost as well, and i already asked about it but wouldn't hurt to ask one more time, cicada skin shed walking after cast delay should be reduced.
  8. not saying that you should put two servers together but i put valkyrie sever and fkro server in the same file and they work fine but i dont know how i did it tho..... :huh:
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