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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. foken got it.
  2. are you shittin me LOL.
  3. if your the first one to get it post here.
  4. the lag is mainly caused by the gunslingers. only complaint i have is that the guardian stones are to small.
  5. i used my god powers to activate it./gg i thought he was talking about forums LOL. but in reality this wouldnt work because the official ro dosent even have a tablet version.
  6. i have to admit i tried it on my iphone before and it worked so it should work on your tablet too.
  7. i didnt even realize that there was a rsx effect enabled at all in gvg. theres something you can do to see your damage in woe i thought so damage beeing seen here is fine, i usually see my damage in gvg all the time. i dont see how it would effect anything really. the only reason people couldnt be knocked backed in woe is because they would never get to the emp and it stop sinx from backsliding for some reason. i dont see the need for this to be enabled. sometimes its in peoples strategy to knock players back. as long as annihilation is never coming back black emp is ok.agree on candies although they wont be around very long for this to effect gvg long term. unless a mass group of people gets errored somehow that recalling policy seems ok.
  8. i dont think the judiciary branch applies to forsaken nines. we dont pay for this game so i dont think anything belongs to us so he technically isnt taking private property away from us without compensation. + that scarf was vote rewards not donations so no money spent there.
  9. your confusing me. you cant attack the barricades unless the guardian stones are destroyed. so you need to switch some words around in your post. i think you were trying to say that once the guardian stones are destroyed all we have left are the barricades.
  10. sry like your going to get told this anyways. you need a minimum post number of 5 and you need to have your mouse over your character with your in game name.
  11. thanx. it took a while to get that crap hat to drop right next to her mouth.
  12. IGN: Iamloun Theme: human centipede, Heiter's field test. One didn't survive.
  13. i guess u didnt see my post i made about the decision. i dont agree with it and i do use it. im saying that raging isnt going to get it changed faster its going to slow it down.
  14. on of me cause im an army of 10!
  15. weres my fail button at. saying stuff like this is going to get us backwards results. the new item is going to be(or should be) easy to obtain in the near future. i understand your complaint but eh. take out your first sentence and this would of been more acceptable.
  16. you cant make suggestions about stuff that just came out unfortunately. gotta wait a min.
  17. i guess if what forum is saying is what the scarf is suppose to be like, you guys should know your going to get a lot of rage. i mean its halloween not christmas. waiting 2 months for a item we cant even start voting for dosent seem like the smartest move.
  18. what are you talking about
  19. what lk do you play? i do about 40-44k max with bb. unless they put on something that makes me do more damage
  20. 50k is to much. you gotta take every class into consideration when you make changes. 50 on shields and 110k to sinx that dont use shields. seems fair right? my lord knight dosent even do 50k with bowling bash. and btw ws never out damaged them(not in a single attack, but maybe in the speed the put damage out) on the official server.
  21. you guys are noobs. no one suggested mw3
  22. wheres shadi's sig that says posts should be like a skirt short enough to keep someones attention but long enough to cover the detail -__-. well for the parts i did read through, no coma on weapons been discussed before. idk about adding a magic spell to the sword since theres a helm that lets you use one anyways. aspd increase is ok i guess.
  23. supream

    What If.

    ^ someone dosent follow the rules gotta put another what if. what if it were sunny every day.
  24. they are making a third movie unfortunately and six says it makes the sequel(which makes the first one look like my little pony, and the second one was a fucked up piece of shit itself.) look like a disney movie.
  25. you have to click the links and then click under where it says did you mean the huamn centipede cause the links dont take you to the page for some reason
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