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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Centipede_(First_Sequence) read the plot who the fck makes movies like this. i didnt actually see this i just read the plot. watching a comedy show and they mentioned this movie so i was wondering what it was about. fortunately i found out -___-. if you stomached the first one read the sequel plot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Centipede_2_(Full_Sequence)
  2. seems as if all of the legit arguments have been resolved any other any other understandable arguments?
  3. i agree with making ct do more and throw tom do less. since you guys are finally agreeing on getting rid of penuma thats good too.
  4. i dont know where your getting those numbers from cause most people dont do that low. also this is just FURTHER PROVING MY POINT that you guys are just spamming tomahawk. it was never made to be ws main skill. cart term is. if your using that regularly then theres a problem. ANY CLASS that gets bolted or uses verters and buffs that gets dispelled a lot switches to gtb or maya for that matter. of course damage goes down when you get assumpton just dispell it -__-. and the only class that has ranged dispell are snipers and gunslingers and their ranged dispell isnt even that far. cant find the famous quote so ill just restate it "someone people want changes so their character can beat any class."
  5. do what i go test your aspd with de agi and add stats to your agi so you have enough to stay at 195 or use speed pots. even so all you gotta do is press one button to get rid of it which is cart boost.
  6. adrenalin rush increases stupid aspd not your spam rate. just put more stats into agi. that way if you do get de agi you will still have enough aspd to spam tomahawk. if your wasting yggs on rebuffing it further proves my point on how people are just using throw tomahawk and not using cart term cause rebuffing wouldnt drain enough sp to make you use a ygg if you were using forgers. and if i recall ive played every class to its full potential and was a challenge to anyone.
  7. all i see now and days are tomahawk frenzy whitesmiths and decreasing their agi dosent stop them from spamming that skill so you dont need penuma. if u fight a range class just spam that skill like the most of you have been doing, or if you have to fight a champ ( which is a whitesmiths weakness) get a anti arrow ring. the only class that has the ability to beat any class is a lord knight. every other class has a weakness to another (wizard vs scholar, champ vs clown, pally vs whitesmith, assassin vs lord knight, priest vs everything, and so on). you cant just say whitesmiths have a special case when they have to use gtb, any class that uses gtb will receive greater damage. they removed coma on lk spear and gave us 50 sp back so giving you something equally as good isnt going to happen.
  8. penuma was only a good idea since they didnt have any ranged attacks, but now that they do they dont need it.
  9. cause they lose the belts they need. but since they have tomahawk i dont think penuma is needed as much.
  10. how about just autocast? increasing their delay is source edit because it has no delay its based on aspd.
  11. supream


    dont know how to use it. trying to make something. made all the animations just need to put it into actor.
  12. sometimes if you want something done you have to do it yourself. so if you do the editing then there is no reason to reject it.
  13. its hard to pay attention for two hours for me. and + you will get a lot more afkers in your guild.
  14. do the stones have 5 trillion hp or something? 5 champs and the stones are done. even just a couple creators and there gone.
  15. are the gaurdian stones ghost property? i hope they are.
  16. did you guys see the guy hugging the trash can LOOL
  17. if thats what your talking about they are in game they just drop at a low percentage. there are only 2 made and one of them isnt obtainable. i have one grenade launcher.
  18. made the business productive tho
  19. it is possible to make clones. ive seen it before. but i havent seen them attack. this would probably require a lot of work.
  20. i didnt know voting was down. but i think there was a suggestion about getting more vote rewards or something like that and it got rejected. i do suggest that if this is the case there be a special on voting items like prices be lowered for a limited amount of time.
  21. the current price is enough for me to drop my balls. others and myself dont just have thousands of tokens flyin around all willy nilly. and those stats really do help, just like how those five stats on emp make it the best aura compared to those other auras that give other effects but have 5 stats less. so making them more affordable for about 30-50% of the population instead of 10% seems more fair to me.
  22. supream


    everything you said was a valid point until the last part. som defended and did last minute breaking before. no need to say that. if you were to fight me and lose over and over again and you were to make a suggestion to nerf my class i wouldnt say your just mad cause you cant win so you need to make it so you can. try to keep responses based more towards an idea of how it would be if multiple people felt like this instead of disagreeing because you dont like one person.
  23. i agree with this. but if you were to switch the american woe over to this system how many tokens does it take to make these things.
  24. edit
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