all i see now and days are tomahawk frenzy whitesmiths and decreasing their agi dosent stop them from spamming that skill so you dont need penuma. if u fight a range class just spam that skill like the most of you have been doing, or if you have to fight a champ ( which is a whitesmiths weakness) get a anti arrow ring. the only class that has the ability to beat any class is a lord knight. every other class has a weakness to another (wizard vs scholar, champ vs clown, pally vs whitesmith, assassin vs lord knight, priest vs everything, and so on). you cant just say whitesmiths have a special case when they have to use gtb, any class that uses gtb will receive greater damage. they removed coma on lk spear and gave us 50 sp back so giving you something equally as good isnt going to happen.