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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. if that happens will sanc go back to 777 again? or was that just a bug from a while back.
  2. wouldnt making it undead property make it unhealable?
  3. actually there are maps that if you warp to you are unable to warp anymore.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKVTmx1zos8&feature=related
  5. supream

    Y / N?

    having 3 topics open for the same thing might not be the best thing.
  6. u see that chris? it says attack the classes that cause the biggest problems not just attack the stones.
  7. anythings possible. before we got the castle for the extended period of time we have it now, we broke through defenses and got the castle, but the next week after that we lost it again. last time i checked we have 2 priests in the guild, and one of them isnt even fully geared. from what i observe in woe is that we kill most of the attacks before they get the chance to do any real damage.
  8. saying your stupid to a moderator might not be the best idea. aggressive was a big factor when you guys had 50-60 people vs 20-25 people a few months ago.
  9. ill agree on this, making the stones bigger. thats fair in all ways. i cant stand it when opponents pallies and our pallies stand on top of the stone to prevent people from attacking it. to me this is not how the game should be played. if you want to stop it from getting attacked then stop them from getting there, dont use cheap tactics.
  10. na i still remember you guys still had aggressive with you when we did this. irrelevant you say? arent you guys complaining about how hard it is to destroy these stones? i just stated how easy it was for me to do it when you put your mind to it instead of clicking whatever you can target.
  11. just target the classes that cause the biggest problems for you instead of just attacking everyone you see. that's how we got it from you the first time. and get more champs to asura the stones and barricades. if i recall when you guys had it last me, and juan, but mainly me broke one stone and the barricades going to the emp in 6 min. you guys should remember this.
  12. i would just boradcast or something. no one buys any of that stuff there anyways. its all stupidly over priced.
  13. i dont think they want to change elite weapons anymore.
  14. if u listen to the person above me she will get you killed.
  15. WOW and DEAD is what i read. i was looking at the capital letters, o look at that i can rhyme better.
  16. i dont see any rhymes in that sentence
  17. it adds 10 int instead of 10 vit
  18. supream

    Non-Berry Pvp

    no berry pvp room with the gears we have wouldnt work lol. but there was something like this called annihilation but i guess either the gms didnt want to host it anymore or no one showed up to do it.
  19. supream

    Happy B'day !

    i hope you dont mean me cause my b day was last week.
  20. if your bored and have nothing to do then go watch it, but if u have to chose this or do something else do the other thing.
  21. giving the hat 8 aspd might be to much. 5 might do for right now.
  22. lol i already made this suggestion. it only adds 10% hp since you lose the 5 from the f set bonus and the 10 vit points so its not as much hp as you think. but i dont think it needs to be changed to 20%. the only reason why the 5 aspd i thought was needed was since you would need like 50-60 more stats into agi to get the same as if you were to have fhelm on which i thought defeated the purpose of using the hat. sure you wouldnt need the same stats in the stats the hat was giving you but you almost have to use the exact same stats to get the aspd back, unless your character is dex based.
  23. that shining emp of mine is somewhat done. you could always put that into another woe castle i guess. but ive been told it would break the economy.
  24. you must of been gone a long time if you think that. the new hats will cause a problem if some of them get slots.
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