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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Ow O.

    Awesome sig! :3

  2. Why won't you reply mee? QQ!

  3. Wow, ur name's actually 'Song'? o-o. That's unique. and Hi, Welcome to the server. Hope you can enjoy it well. :)
  4. What he say. :3 and ur voice is tottaly diff from what imagine,, I was thinkin that ur Voice would go so deeper / heaver. o_o. Anyway, Grats~ :D EDIT : Storyline? o__o. And wow, can't wait for the next update. :3
  5. Our song - Taylor Swift.
  6. Sup man? Did something bad happen? o_o.

  7. I vote for [ 10 ] Muffin Master. Because , it only uses some simple picutre yet the effect and everything's awesome and the background is making the effect more colourful. Nice :)
  8. Try this one then : http://www.adobe.com/downloads/

    Sry double comment. xD;

  9. Oh i see. x(

    Sry then x.x;

  10. Oh that's nice. :3

    and i got a link for ya, which will gib free PS! ( I think ) I never try it be4 thou. Anyway, here's it is : http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=15000 .

    If you see it, Its the topic no.15000

  11. I've already have that problem. Soo, Yes please. :x
  12. Im not Semi-Quit. Ow O.

    Im Inactive.

  13. Lol Nice~~ :DD

    You can relax and have fun now~ x3;

  14. GoodLuck in the learning of the photoshop. :D
  15. 717
  16. O wO

    I neber see you with her so much. x3;

  17. Poringly

    Ad Bottles

    ^+1. and yeh, Creator already has a high damage with the bottle, if we make it Unlimited people will just go Creator and Keep Spammin like hell, and they can run easily with the homunculus. so i think its just needed to lower the price.
  18. Thou its a bit creepy owo.

  19. Men, How's with Steph? :3

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