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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Lol Rly? o-o.

    I was just jk be4.

  2. Poringly

    New Event Item

    Oh.. Nvm then. :\ Well, if its stats I prefer : All stat +20~30. 10% More Hp & SP. Allow 0.1% Assumptio/Kyrie Elyson when being attacked? If its weird then meh. Wth. Anyway, Thanks lol @__@.
  3. Poringly

    New Event Item

    Well, I like to have a New Event item, So,, +1. ( Any Stats would be great ). and I think we should get this : The Loli Ruri moon thingy , Its make you fly and look's Hawt. o__o!! Idk thou, The traveler's hat seems good too.
  4. Lol, So,, Can i Call you Hannah Montana? x3;

  5. Err,

    S&H, Kafra Sorin, etc.

    I got lots mang. x3;

  6. Lol xD;

    K then, ill try to Pm you when i got time for it. <3.

  7. Omg ur right, I always thought that it was 'Bascojin' the whole time you know. o__o.
  8. Oh thanks<3. xD;

  9. Yeah i kno, it's terrible. xDD; Anyway, my vote goes to [ 2 ] Alkaid. Because , I really like how the signature goes with light colour, the the background that fits the moonlight colour ( It's nice. ) and It was added with the brushes nicely,and the Moonlight Flower's cute<3. :3
  10. I vote for you nxt time in SOTW K? :D

  11. You kno what, nvm what i just said be4. xD;

  12. !!

    Well, Thanks for Voting for me, i guess. xD;

    But i can't vote for you this week, Ill do it Next Week if you don't mind. :)

  13. Welcome to the Gm Team! :D

    How's the first event? xD

  14. Uhh, What about.. Cards? Valentine? Halloween?(Its goin to be on soon xD ). Christmast? Winter? Story Line? Fashion? Idk what to say anymore o_o.
  15. Lol. Anyway, Hi! Nice to meet you , Welcome to the server and Hope you can enjoy this PK Server well. xP
  16. Wat's tat? and Yea, the Movie's nice. :3
  17. Oh Nice, you got Emp alrdy<3. Congratulations~

    and uhh, Idk. When i go near you i heard Mike keep talkin about me ( Sometime ). :o

  18. Lol Haruka, I wish i can't talk to you face-to-face in game. But whenever i go near you i feel Stalked. o__o.

  19. ^ Try this one : Its awesome, i think one of the Gm take its party name from this movie,called 'Illuminati'. The movie is EPIC. :D and idk where i can watch those awesome late movie. :[
  20. Wow really? I wish i got a chance to watch em. :[ Well, my fav is : Disney Pixar UP. Angel and Demon. Wall-E. Iron Man 1~2. Mulan 1~2. Ratatouille. Enchanted. Etc, Well i personally LOVE Every Movie that Disney Company make. Why? THEY'RE AWESOME. :D I wish i got some late movie that I can watch thou.
  21. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

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