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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. /patpat.

    Let's think of smth we can do together?

  2. Really? I thou you always get one at least 4x a week. o_o.

  3. Yea, i stalk people. xD;

    and u got nice prof pic o-o. It's aweseome.

  4. Quote :


  5. Wait, Are you Fable? :o

  6. Heeelllloooo Meeerrrrzzzziiii, where'd you gone to? D:

  7. Happy Bday, Dude! :3

  8. Happy Bday, Boy! :D

  9. Mayaa I miss chu~ ;_;

  10. Oh well. xD;

    Thanks and Nice long word you got there. xD;

  11. Just 255 More Post to go! x3; Edit : I try to put dots and make a 745 but it fail lol yah.
  12. Poringly


    And Uhh, You shouldn't use any capital,space or even "." or ",". Cause when you type @go and you got capital or etc, they will only warp you to prontera.
  13. Uhh well, Hab you got da DS yet? Lol @__@.

    Just wonderin~

  14. Poringly


    Hmm, Try @go 25? Uhh, The BroadCaster is Located at Fcity 100 127 and the Safari NPC is Located at Fcity 100 117. Try check the spelling correctly, if you don't you wont' be warped there. @__@
  15. Tich me Clown pl0x. :[

  16. Hello, Welcome to the server! :)

    Hope you enjoy your stay here and Thanks for giving fRO a try.

    Try get a lot of new item by voting in : forsaken-ro.net/voting, and you can also check the 'Guide' Section for more information and good luck for the quest ur going to do. xD;

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