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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Happy Birthday , Man. :D

  2. Oh wow, Thanks. :)

    I never log out before so idk bout it. x.x;

  3. o wo!

    Silver addict. xD;

  4. Weee, Finally i got time to make it, and so here's mine, Not much, kinda lazy in it Lol xDD; Source : Dev-art.com Ign : S&H. P.s : Was going to put more Bug/Animal brush in it,, but i can't find anything else beside the butterfly. x.x; && Mr.Masochist, I like ur Pokemon! :O! EDIT : Typo,,
  5. Lol o_o, I wish i was that mean. :[

    P.s : Is Hellain ur char, Auntie? Im confuse what char are you usin x.x;

  6. Yeah me too,, gettin pretty tired in WoE but for some reason i can't stop WoEing. -_-''

  7. Hi Hannah! && I get bored in fRO, what shud i do? :[

  8. Hi charlie,I get bored in fRO, what shud i do? :[

  9. Auntie,I get bored in fRO, what shud i do? :[

  10. I get bored in fRO, what shud i do? :[

  11. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, I can't seem to do anything in game,, Just hope something nice happenin,, and i was thinkin about takin another break, should I? ( Will just on for WoE and sometime gonna look around for any update ). Fin. :)
  12. Err, How? Lol @__@.

  13. Mine - Taylor Swift!
  14. Happy birthday!! XD

  15. Hppy Bday, Dude! :3

  16. Hppy Bday, Dude! :3

  17. Hppy Bday, Dude! :3

  18. Hppy Bday, Julio! :3

  19. Hppy Bday, gurl! :D

  20. Any idea's? I wanted to watch the movie, but sadly i can't D: So i was thinkin of a Website that allow me to watch em, anyone know em? And well, i dont really know where to post this,, But, i think this should be the right place to discussed it. x3;
  21. Hi, i be ur fren. :D

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