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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Ah, really? o__o. Oh well. xP;

    So, ho's you? :D

  2. Feelin kinda Hyper today. :3

  3. Lol, didn't read ur comment,, so meh.

    Sry triple posting o_o

    Delete 1 of em pl0x. and ty. ;D

  4. Nvm about teh "ps" thing lol,

    Can i hab ur msn btw? :3

  5. Hi dannnnn~~ Sup? ;D

    P.s : u still do teh donating stuff? :3

  6. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, I dont really get the 'Donation and the Prize handout thing' =___='' Sad,, o-o Fin. P.s : Gen' boots? o_o
  7. 793 life wasted by a disaster~
  8. Lol,, Try to get a 2nd Alarm? :P

  9. Poringly

    Immmm Backkkkk

    Wb, Stranger! :3
  10. Ah, well i've added you in msn but i still don't kno how it work. xD;

    Usually it was my bro who's takin over this kind of thing / Donation thingy, So im kinda new to this. xP;

    Again, Sorry and Thanks! :D

  11. I got school too*

    Lol,, Sry double comment.

    So how's ur school? ;3

  12. Ahh, lol.

    I got school to,, men i hate waking up early just to go to school =__=;

  13. Nothin much, just get bored so i stalk ur profile and leave some comment. ;D

    Soo, how're you? :3

  14. Well, i kno ur busy,, So you can just answer this if ur not busy,, Again Sorry and Thanks. :3

    Soo, When do you think we can met? ill try my best to get on at that time. :3

    P.s : Thanks for all ur hardwork to make this Server's alive, it's really nice and awesome! :D

  15. Hiii Deltonee. how's you? o wo.

  16. Hi han +_+.

    How's you? :3

  17. Omg, you goin to retiring? o_o

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