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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. I'm gud too! :3

    Soo, whatchudoin~? :3

  2. Poringly

    Hey :)

    Hi Emily~ How's your first few days in the server? :3 && I've stalked you and ur friends secretly<3, and you guys look like ur havin fun here ( I think ). :P P.s : Sorry if i spam in some of the intro topic's x.x;
  3. Hello , Duvie! Welcome to the server and goodluck in every quest you're doing! :)
  4. Hi Sauce! Nice name :P Welcome to the Server and Goodluck in everything ur doing right now :3
  5. Lol Hey~ How's ur day in the Server? :3 && Nice Avy and Siggie!
  6. Well, i didn't mean the meaning of the 'Square' So what i meant is like,, Does the signature couldn't be in the form of a square ( Like because of the Border Line,the signature size,picture, etc )? Or...? P.s : Sorry if i fail , its kinda hard to explain it. :\
  7. Question! 1. If the signature already has the Light and Dark element/aura/picture/etc ( whatever you call it ) in the signature , do we still need to explain it? 2. Hmm, what do you mean "may not be square"? More detail if possible pwease :3. && Thanks for answering!
  8. Poringly


    Lol sure<3 && Thanks! :3 Soo, how's ur day in fRO so far? :P Edit : Fail typo. D:
  9. Lol o-o , Ur legit too? :O!

  10. Poringly


    Hey Rina, welcome to fRO~ :3 If you hab any question feel free to ask, just pm me in forum or leave ur question in ur topic. :3 Or post ur question in the "Support" forum section for other stuff. and well, i hope i wasn't too late for this. :DD!
  11. Poringly


    Lol,, o-o, That kind of thing happen to a lot of people who just came to the server,, Its either we nerfed the Mvp/Lowered their HP/Give a proper set which may help them kill the Mvp's and make the Pvp Mvp's spawn map off, so they wont really get killed when some guy come then KOsing us,, and when we came back the Mvp's already being killed by him/her. :\ kinda sad tho. x3; Soo, +1 on this.
  12. Hi John, Nice avatar you got. :3 and Well, Welcome to the server and good luck in teh pvp.
  13. Does Event Tokens acceptable? :\
  14. Hi Kendall, Welcome to fRO , I just hope you can get along well in the Pvp and gettin more friends. :3!
  15. Cursee you Daylight Saving Timee, Now i can't go to any Euro WoE ;-;!!

    1. Cirrus


      No, it came off. So bless it.

    2. Hannah


      Yeah, I can't US woe on saturdays anymore. :[

  16. Ahh, that's cool. :3

  17. Auburn - All about him~ :3 Link :
  18. Lol o-o.

    Im gud. :3

    Soo, whatchudoin~?

  19. Ahh, Sorry double comment,but for some reason i can't re-added you o-o. idk why. x.x;

  20. Nothin much, Just sayin Hi xD;

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