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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    ^Ouch, /patpat. o-o Dear diary, I want to see snow irl. D: Fin.
  2. Np && Mrry Kissmas Dan<3. /kis. ;D

  3. Lol xD;

    Merry kissmas<3.

    Hope you got a great one. ;3

  4. Hawt! <3. Can't wait for the new year's update ( If there's one. xD; ). Edit : The turkey leg weight isn't really 1 when i farm em, but it's 15. o_o P.s : Can you enable the Christmas candy and chocolate again pls? :[
  5. Hppy Anniversary Dan! :D

  6. Hi, Ur from He*o Server ryt? xD;

    Sry, i kinda cencor it since it doesn't really allowed here. ;3

  7. Poringly


    Hi, welcome to the server hope you can enjoy your play here. :3!
  8. Hppy Bday Rurie~~<3.

  9. Hppy Bday Lenaaaaaa~~~~~ <33333 . ;D

  10. Lol, its okay take ur time. ;D

    && im gud, and you?

  11. Hppy Bday Dude! :D

  12. Lol k.

    *Give the dirty money and a fake thana card* :P

  13. Poringly

    Hi Guys!

    Hi Andrew, Welcome teh server , hope you enjoy ur stay. xD; Edit : Typo. :x
  14. Nice prof pic, Auntie. xD;

    && i tho ur BF forbid you from puttin ur pic in the forum o-o

  15. o-o.

    Really? I can gib you, but my money's a dirty money tho. :D

  16. I agree w/ you! :O && I'm almost half way there in doing the quest. ;3
  17. Pssstt, Hi!

    Do i kno u in game? o-o;

  18. Hppy Bday, Dude! :3

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