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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. 819 day's w/o pie! :[
  2. Poringly

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi dood! Welcome to the server, Hope you enjoy dis server. ;D
  3. Hawt! ♥~ Keep up the good work! Edit : Typo.
  4. Hppy Bday gurl! :3

  5. Hppy Bday Timmeh!!! :3

  6. Hppy Bday dood! ;D

  7. Y@@, i kno, but y potato? they're brown! ;3

  8. Wat stuffs? xD;

    I'm just watching TV all day, idk what to do in the server when im on! D:

    & a lil forumin. xD;

  9. Happy Bday dude! :3

  10. Hppy Bday April~! sorry i late sayin dis. :[

  11. Lol xD;

    & Yea, ofc i'm back 2 school. :3

    But it's kinda lazy tho, since i have to wake up 5 am everyday except for the weekend that is. x.x;

  12. I'm bored, bored! u kno? :D

    You can't stalk me! coz i b hidin under my bed. :3

  13. Well, its becuz we haven't met in a long time. :[

    & i still miss chu even tho ur always here. :3

  14. Rurieee~~ i miss chu! :[

  15. Well, i've try to make some w/ photoshop & some monster sprite since i got nothin to do. o-o Idk if its gud tho, but meh. xD; Music aura(?) Taken from solace monster. Idk what to call dis one. xD; ( Its the yellow thing on the stalker that looks like a tail? o-o ). Taken from Cronus monster. Silk AuraSlower Faster Taken from Evil Nymph monster.
  16. ^Who's kanon? o_o && http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOQBQ6M6DoE&feature=related
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