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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Are you allowed to tell ur legit? o.o

  2. Can i break yo heart? :3

  3. Man tich me Clown pls. >~>;

    I keep bein Tarot if i fight em so i should go fire to fight fire.

  4. Sure i guess? Lol @__@.

  5. Poringly


    Ahh, I see. Thanks then x.x;
  6. Well, people usually trade them with other Player for cheaper price than the one in the Fking Room. Well, how to go there is : Talk to a NPC named 'Forsaken King Room' Located in Fcity 96 127 and then click the 'Let's go' , and ull be in the Forsaken King Room. 8D There' will be 4 Npc's in there each item cost 100 dqpon each for a single equipemnt., So be careful when choosing the item. Edit : You need to carry at least 100 donation coupon and they'll show you the list. If you don't have 100 Dqpon, They'll just say 'Im sorry but you do not have the required Dqpon' x3;
  7. Poringly


    Errmm. Where did all the God Item Quest NPC gone to? :[ I was lookin for em but i can't find any. x.x; Edit : Well, if they're being removed then the question is : Why are they removed? ;-;.
  8. You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action, You'll never gonna fade, You'll be the main attraction~ Victoria Justice - Make it Shine.
  9. Yeah, They really does. ;-;

  10. Im just saying hello. :[

  11. Err. I got lots lol. xD;

    But i think Kafra Sorin will be the main atm. x3;

  12. Well, as it says, Im inactive. xD;

  13. Eh sorry, Wrong comment Lol >~>; Remove please.

    and Thanks. :)

    I like Poring's so yeh.

  14. Lol its k. and its fix. So yeh. :3

  15. Ehh. Thanks lol xD;

  16. Poringly

    New Event Item

    15 All stats, is kinda low, Since people would just use the Whole Fset which give +10 and immune to freeze. so yah, it won't really increase the Eqpn Economy much x.x; I prefer 20 or more thou.
  17. Well , Hi lol.

    1 Question, Do you rly dating Cole? o__o.

    And Hi again. :)

  18. Lol nice.
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