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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Uhh, Naked People? o_o.

  2. :O.

    Stop Ignoring me! QQ.

  3. owo.

    Hannah gone mad?

  4. Poringly

    Woe 2.0

    Bump! :D
  5. Blood and Sand? o_O.

  6. Poringly


    Well, Hello and Welcome to the server. Hope you can enjoy our server. :) and as for the tips,, @__@ Click here for it, I think. ( The guide is by Max Little ).
  7. Happy Bday, Dude!

  8. I vote for [ 1 ] nines, Because, i like how the girl got such technology, I also like the abstract in the siggie, and the girl's look Cute and Hawt with the swimsuit. :3
  9. Poringly

    Hi \

    Hi, Well come to the server. /lv I hope you can Have Fun in the server. :3 and yeah, if you hab any question you can use @Request command to contact our Gm's for information, If you don't get any reply from it, it mean they're not on. :3 and Hi again. :D
  10. What info? >:@___@:<

  11. Uhhh, Yeah.

    That'll work too. :3

  12. Get a RL life hobby? or Get a hobby in the server? like helpin ur GF in smth? Makin new char and lvl em up like a low rate one? owo.

    P.s : that one is a Copy-Paste from what i say to John since i can't think of anything else. :3

  13. ^Oh, Thanks. :DD and Tee-Chan, urs is cute! :3
  14. I don't have a dog. :x
  15. Katty Perry - Firework
  16. Thinkin about someone who i haven't met in 2 weeks o-o.
  17. Get a RL life hobby? or Get a hobby in the server? like helpin ur GF in smth? Makin new char and lvl em up like a low rate one? owo.

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