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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Oh, i see. iunno why but it seem fine for the other.

    Well, enjoy ur stay in fRO :) and Hi again! :D

  2. Poringly

    Hellur :3

    Well, Welcome Back! :D.
  3. Britney Spears - If you seek Amy.
  4. Men, you kno anyone who do donate?

  5. Anything that's need to say have been said by the other. So yeah, Agreed.
  6. Errrm, What about the White King Frog Hat? Are they bugged? :[

    Thanks for the Reply and the Help. :)

  7. Poringly


    Hello, Welcome to the Server, hope you have fun here and GoodLuck for everything! :)
  8. Oh , i see. Thanks. :D

  9. Poringly

    Best Song Ever!

    Okay, i be honest to, when i hear that song, I feel like : Omg Wth with this Song o_____o Lol this song is so funny, it wanna make me LOL so hard at night. xDD;
  10. What does the punishment for scammed? im too lazy to read. :[

  11. Lol, what bout gettin sleep after school? rather than u get sleep so late. x)

  12. Is wan ur BF now? o-o

  13. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, Its finally holiday~ ♥♥ But sadly its only for 17 Day's. :[ But least i dont have to wake up early for school anymore. Yay! :D Fin.
  14. Gen, does the Teal,Gold,Green,White Aquarius Diadem exist? most people was lookin for em but they can't find it. o-o;

  15. Oh lol, i see. :3

  16. Lol @@.

    When i ask someone to teach me, they ignored me or they say ask 'someone' to teach you, she's the one who teach me. :x

    Lol, so how's you now? :3

  17. Happy Birthday.


  18. Happy Birthday. :D

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