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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Omg Hannah, Don't be invisible, Cause i can't comment you if you do. :[

  2. I wish Pie exist in my world, but sadly, they doesn't, i never try em. :[

  3. Poringly

    Branch Arena

    That's the point of the Arena exist, makin people more easier to summon Mvp,Kill the Mvp, and nice place to go Mvp without anyone interrupting. Well, If the Mvp can't hit us, it would be nicer, since its Hard to kill the Mvp especially to the New person who just come to the server will evenctually die and may take than 1h to kill it ( It would be so annoying :x ). and sometime they warped us when we're in Beserk mode, It was like Wth, its so freakin annoyin, you kno. :(
  4. Oh lol, are they really that delicious? :3

  5. Lol sorry for the interrupting but,,

    By any chance, do you know where the Teal,Green,White,Gold Aquarius Diadem NPC located?

  6. Poringly

    Branch Arena

    Lol, uhh, Once there's a Perfect Map to go Mvp which the Mvp can't hit you,you can summon safely and nicely without anyone interrupting ( The map got Pvp off ) and there's lots of place there. But for some reason ( Iunno why ) the Gm's removed it. :[ and yeah, i agree on the Branch Arena. D: I would love to get a Mvp map which easier for us to kill it.
  7. Lol, are they both exist irl? o.o

  8. Y sorrying? :o!

    It was just a joke x.x;

    Dont be sad. :D

    *Gib Aurora a Candy*

  9. Lol i thou you want the Carrot Cake. o.o

  10. O. Nice, i liek the 2nd one, not very much of the first one thou. The second one kinda remind me of this pic : :3.
  11. Oh wow lol, i see. :3 and yeah, if you're gettin ignored, don't get mad. :s most of people here is just busy ( I think ) or they doesn't like to talk to stranger that much. :)
  12. Aniiieeee, Talk to me. D: ,, Im boredddd. QQ!

  13. I thou it was suppose to be our secret! :3 Err, i don't play sRO, i was lookin for a nice sprite to show someone, then i try all the web there's in google, and there you go, i found the pic. Lol @@. and yeah, sometime i just find a random image and make them as a Guild Emblem. :)
  14. Sry double comment, since we can't do edit.

    Lol, i didn't think you would actually make a forum ID just to complain to him. Lol That's funny. :3

  15. Lol y@@, But does that mean he/she's from fRO too? o_O.

  16. Hi, Welcome Back to the server. :3 Well, to answer your Question i think you should ask the Gm's Staff by using @Request <Message> in the server. and if you wanted to ask in forum, you Can send one of the Gm's a Pm :3 Well, You need to talk first, or least join what they're saying, and don't say Random stuff ( They dont liek random ppl >->; ). Anyway, Good Luck with everything. :D
  17. Pat, are those signature in SOTW 33 really made by you? Cause i just see the exact same one with the same link from other website. :x.x:

  18. Hawt!<3 Y@@. They're so cool, Does that mean they're goin to get implemented? <3, Since they're made by eAthena, mean its legal is it? @@.
  19. Okay, I've done mine. :DD Source : Panda Bear Panda! <3. Wow everyone's participating, must be hard to win. x) Ign : Flonne <33.
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