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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Lol xD;

    I was planning to make em staring from tomorrow thou.

  2. Poringly

    Branch Arena

    Well, its nice but, I can't found any Nice small map and most of the map I get from Ratemyserver.net is Erroring me and some of it won't allow me to Summon using Bloody Dead Branch / Dead Bracnh. x.x;
  3. Poringly

    Branch Arena

    Well, I think what we need for the Branch Arena is Small and Peaceful Map ( Small and allow us to Summon bloody Brach/Dead Branch at least ), not like some Big map. :\ and the most map i kno is already occupied. :x
  4. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, 10 Day's left and 4/5 Homework to go. D: Haven't make any of it. P.s : nines, if you read tis, See ur profile Owo. I think. x3 Fin.
  5. Oh, Thanks a lot. :DD Well, Uhmm. 1. Uhm, well yeah Thanks. xD Ill try it sometime. /gawi 2. Hue and Saturate? @__@. Sry kinda nub at the Option part. x.x; 3. Well, i don't really like Small text, they make me feel like there's a lot of empty space around it x.x; and Well, for the Outer glow, i try that but the Glowin doesn't really eye-catching x.x;. Well, i try the Linear Dodge but it doesn't change anything to the text. But, Thanks thou. :) Thanks for the Cool advice, nines. :D Anyway, I vote for [ 4 ] xonchu , Because I like a Bus in the underwater ( So, it was like the Bus for the fishes that take them to their school. x3 ). and yeah,The fish and its habitat is painted nicely with the brushes ( It look like a Real thing xD ). and I also like the Color in the Signature ( I like bright Colour /lv ), It's Fabulous. :3
  6. Oh well, Sry O wO.

    I promise someone to vote for him in tis SOTW 34. x3;

  7. Well, im gud. x3

    Just got some HW to do. :\

  8. My School? Not much. got lot's of homework :[

  9. Well, since im bored. Let's post as many as possible owo. Miley Cirus - Party in the U.S.A.
  10. Lol, it took 6 day's for you to reply x.x;

    and yeah, Harro, Again :DD

    Whatchudoin~? :D

    IMISSU TOO<33.

  11. Oh lol, Awsome. it must be lot of fun in da school x3.

  12. 1 - Well, yeah that would be nice but i think it would take lot's of time to be done @__@. 2 - Well, Ikr. But this is a PK server so we can't do anything much about it.The solution is, I think that there would be a Mercenary ( Bodyguard ) Who will actually help the newbie in Pvp like, the Mercenary give's some protective buff ( Kyrie, Assumptio, Safety Wall, Pneuma, Etc etc. ) When the newbie is in danger ( Like 1/3 Of the HP? ) and it only work for 5min and you have to wait 30min to get another Mercenary so they won't abuse it! and i think it would be nice if it only work for the people with has NO Fking Set ( Well, Let the Merc do some Equipment Checking? ) If the User has Forsaken King Set, it will Error you and the Merc will be gone automaticly , How's that Sound? :)
  13. Yeah, i mean Photoshop CS3 xDD and naw, Ur the PRO. x3;
  14. Welcome to the server! Sry double Comment xD;

  15. Well, you seem buzy in da server so ill just ask here o-o.

    and sry for double Comment @__@

    So,,What's with you and ur GF? you seem more happy with her rather than the other one o_o

    Is tis True Love<3? xDD;

  16. Ya, I agree with you. :\ I think we should add more Exp to the monster in some Lvling map and make them easier too kill. Like,, Double the exp from the monster lhz_dun03 or thor_v03 and Lower their HP / Defenses so they can kill it easily without being geared. :3
  17. Lol men, Crux didn't went on in Friday WoE @__@.

  18. Im not so PRO x.x;

    Ami and Barbie, and other is. @__@

    But thanks for the compliment tho. x)

  19. Well, i guess my question didn't get ur attention o wo

    So,, let's change topic then. :D

    Whatchu doin~? ( I mean irl x3 ).

  20. Uhmm , well. Here's my entry : Source : [x] Ign : S&H. Well, if its about the related to school, uhmm, Well, We bring book to school and it gives us Knowledge,Wisdom and intelligence. :3 ------------ Wow, PRO. i onli got the PS3. :[
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