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Legendary Emperium Aura

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Posted (edited)

Since it was mentioned that a new legendary aura would be added to the gm's to-do-list. Here's my suggestion:


Legendary Emperium Auroras

All stats +23 

Obtainable through quest, suggested requirements:


1. Legendary Fire Emperium Aurora

1 pc Legendary Lighthalzen Aura


1 pc Red Legendary Mythical Flame Aura


1 pc Red Legendary Zodiac Aura


250 pcs Scarlet Dyestuffs

You obtain Legendary Fire Emperium Aurora:





2. Legendary Green Apple Emperium Aurora

1 pc Legendary Lighthalzen Aura


1 pc Green Legendary Mythical Flame Aura


1 pc Green Legendary Zodiac Aura


250 pcs Dark Green Dyestuffs

You obtain Legendary Green Apple Emperium Aurora:





3. Legendary Banana Emperium Aurora

1 pc Legendary Lighthalzen Aura


1 pc Gold Legendary Mythical Flame Aura


1 pc Gold Legendary Zodiac Aura


250 pcs Lemon Dyestuffs

You obtain Legendary Banana Emperium Aurora:








Limited Edition Legendary Emperium Aurora


Legendary Emperium Aura + 170 Dragon Tokens = LTD Legendary Emperium Aurora

All stats +28, Max HP +3%, Increase damage to demi-humans +2%




Revised suggestion for Legendary Emperium Aurora.

Credits to @c0okiee for the final LTD Leg. Emp stats suggestion and @Perishable for the awesome sprite suggestions.

Edited by Ableton
  • Thanks 1

It's a very nice idea. I think the non donor players will benefit a lot from this. In addition, it will give them more motivation to do more than than mid aura quests.

However, there's lot to consider. Let me point out the 2 most obvious ones. Mainly about the Ltd Legendary Emp.


1. The stat. The final figure you've given it for its stat is fairly close the the LTD Emp.

- How about the economy?

- How about the Non Ltd Emp prices?

To be honest the market is not really at its best standing right now, so I can only imagine what will happen to the market if this comes about soon.

2. +30 All stat, Max HP +5%.

- How about the donation Auras

I'm guesstimating right now that this stat is pretty just above the donation Lhz Aura, Mythical Aura, Skull Aura and probably most of the Auras available in the donation.


Finally, I would only give my +1 if the LTD Legendary Emp will not surpass the strength of the Non Ltd Emp. Because in my opinion we need to keep the value of our beloved Non Ltd Emps.

Also, perhaps make the LTD Legendary Emp part of the storyline quests. Just a thought.

Other than that! This idea is actually pretty nice! Let's see what the community's take on this. 

  On 10/12/2018 at 3:51 AM, Nadtorious said:

I'm guesstimating right now that this stat is pretty just above the donation Lhz Aura, Mythical Aura, Skull Aura and probably most of the Auras available in the donation.


I was actually unsure if the stats i've given was a bit OP. My thinking was, since u'd be needing 170 Dtoks, the stats must be a bit worth it for that.

Probly we can adjust to: All Stats +28, Max HP +3% for the LTD, wachu guys think?

  On 10/12/2018 at 3:51 AM, Nadtorious said:

Finally, I would only give my +1 if the LTD Legendary Emp will not surpass the strength of the Non Ltd Emp. Because in my opinion we need to keep the value of our beloved Non Ltd Emps.


This I don't agree. I believe that a new legendary aura must be made to at least reach 70% of the LTD Emp's stats. Normally, all legendary gears are 70% of donate/end game gears.

See, all gears such as Valk Weapons, F.King Armors, Dragonist Armors, Blessed/Cursed/Guardian Rings, Blessed/Cursed Accessories, all these gears has legendary/non-donate counter parts, but the LTD Emp? Nothing.

And besides, we wont be losing the value of the normal emps since you'd be upgrading it to LTD eventually.


  On 10/12/2018 at 10:01 AM, Ableton said:

This I don't agree. I believe that a new legendary aura must be made to at least reach 70% of the LTD Emp's stats. Normally, all legendary gears are 70% of donate/end game gears.

See, all gears such as Valk Weapons, F.King Armors, Dragonist Armors, Blessed/Cursed/Guardian Rings, Blessed/Cursed Accessories, all these gears has legendary/non-donate counter parts, but the LTD Emp? Nothing.


Indeed. Nowadays, LTD Emp is a necessity, but not available to everyone.


Great suggestion 4 non donate emp aura user anyway :3

why not?


Plz let it not be blue emp colour! ? other then that yea sure +1
but id say stats shld be more like +28 stats 3% hp 2% dmg to demi humans for Ltd leg emp ( 5 stats difference has to be there or wldnt be much of a diff btwn original and legendary with only +3 stat diff) like @Ableton said

But id really like to say that The new ice emps from battle ground are easily obtainable visa vi Farmable* but yea having a l.emp wldnt hurt i guess sounds good

  On 10/19/2018 at 10:58 PM, c0okiee said:

Plz let it not be blue emp colour! ? other then that yea sure +1
but id say stats shld be more like +28 stats 3% hp 2% dmg to demi humans for Ltd leg emp


+1. This is fair enough.


If you want to do something for them @Genesis I'll provide these files if you like or accept it.


Legendary Fire Emperium Aurora



Legendary Yellow/Banana Emperium Aurora



Legendary Avocado Emperium Aurora



Legendary Green Apple Emperium Aurora




  On 10/23/2018 at 4:19 AM, Perishable said:

If you want to do something for them @Genesis I'll provide these files if you like or accept it.


Legendary Fire Emperium Aurora



Legendary Yellow/Banana Emperium Aurora



Legendary Avocado Emperium Aurora



Legendary Green Apple Emperium Aurora




Yay!!! This is awesomeeee!!! I revised the suggestion as per the comments.

Posted (edited)

Uhm wew kewl emps @Perishable +1 for design ? I really hope its possible to get it in these colours th3y l00k fanc3y.

Though for the Quest part since this is a completely 100% farmable item id say the difficulty in obtaining it has to be increased 3*times the items u suggested to make it and possibly a raid lol (not too difficult but just for the kick of new content atleast but only an option) Id say like 5-10 more items to be farmed or quested shld make it worthwhile. Atm most worthwhile items have huge quest-lines and requirements so the new item should be similar with a storyline or questline with a good difficulty.
Id say it would be fair and this can be even collected for fashion or Utility by every1! ?

Edited by c0okiee
  On 10/23/2018 at 6:34 AM, c0okiee said:

Uhm wew kewl emps +1 for design ? I really hope its possible to get it in these colours th3y l00k fanc3y.

Though for the Quest part since this is a completely 100% farmable item id say the difficulty in obtaining it has to be increased 3*times the items u suggested to make it and possibly a raid lol (not too difficult but just for the kick of new content atleast but only an option) Id say like 10-15 more items to be farmed or quested shld make it worthwhile. Atm most worthwhile items have huge quest-lines and requirements so the new item should be similar with a storyline or questline with a good difficulty.
Id say it would be fair and this can be even collected for fashion or Utility by every1! ?


Totally agree. Let's hear some suggestions from others regarding the quest line or the dev team can come up with better ideas. I'm excited!!!

Posted (edited)

I know that the LHZ aura can be received through a quest, are the other 2 aura's obtainable through a quest as well? 

I'm not sure how good of an idea it is to keep adding items with lesser stats but a similar effect or even new items for that matter without asking the question of where is the item needed or where does it fulfill a good role.

Do new players/not so rich players, etc need more items that make PvP balanced? Do they need items that make PvM balanced? Do they need items that add aesthetic value? Etc.

Furthermore, when an item is created I think a price point should be held in mind ($ or tokens, whatever). It doesn't have to end up being true but it'll help moves to be more geared towards overall server balance as compared to just adding what seems valuable which later on creates another imbalance which then has to be fixed.

Edited by dadron3
Posted (edited)
  On 10/23/2018 at 8:55 AM, dadron3 said:

I know that the LHZ aura can be received through a quest, are the other 2 aura's obtainable through a quest as well? 

I'm not sure how good of an idea it is to keep adding items with lesser stats but a similar effect or even new items for that matter without asking the question of where is the item needed or where does it fulfill a good role.

Do new players/not so rich players, etc need more items that make PvP balanced? Do they need items that make PvM balanced? Do they need items that add aesthetic value? Etc.

Furthermore, when an item is created I think a price point should be held in mind ($ or tokens, whatever). It doesn't have to end up being true but it'll help moves to be more geared towards overall server balance as compared to just adding what seems valuable which later on creates another imbalance which then has to be fixed.



All three legendary auras included in the suggested quest line are obtainable through quest.

It started here: 

GM Ebisu pointed out that "a new legendary aura should be made.." in one of the comments.

Since their focus now is to lessen the gap between veterans and new comers (gear wise), an idea came up to create something that can match up to normal LTD Emp.

All end game gears has their own legendary counter parts, even DA and new accessories except the LTD Emp. The +13 all stat advantage of an ltd emp to any other aura is just too huge.

Edited by Ableton
Posted (edited)
  On 10/23/2018 at 9:21 AM, Ableton said:

It started here: 

GM Ebisu pointed out that "a new legendary aura should be made.." in one of the comments.

Since their focus now is to lessen the gap between veterans and new comers, an idea came up to create something that can match up to normal LTD Emp.

All end game gears has their own legendary counter parts, even DA and new accessories except the LTD Emp. The +13 all stat advantage of an ltd emp to any other aura is just too huge.


It makes a little more sense after reading through the responses. Perhaps this could be part of a greater move to create a whole class of legendary items which get tamed to a specific type of events Vs. the other type for other types of events.

If above-mentioned is one of the targets, the next question is what will be the differences in variations for the 2 segments of gears across item slots. 

Regardless, I can see why this emp would be required in a growing server. +1

Edited by dadron3
Spellings.. Again.

Your quest guideline is way too simple. I think you should let the developers come up with their quest guideline. An easy raid for legendary equipment and some quest requirements should probably do.

  On 10/23/2018 at 12:16 PM, Perishable said:

Your quest guideline is way too simple. I think you should let the developers come up with their quest guideline. An easy raid for legendary equipment and some quest requirements should probably do.


Ye, i'm starting to think it's a bit too easy. I think we should leave to dev team the quest line. They can come up with something better.

Posted (edited)

What would happen to all those Normal Donation aura on Tokenshop??

ROP, Zodiac, LHZ Price already drop to 500-700 toks if L.Emp Aura been add to FRo will those cheap Donation Aura become less wanted/useful? since those aura on donation shop only +20 all stats while L.Emp Aura +23 all stats/Ltd L.Emp +28 all stats?

Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by Kirin
Adding thing after consideration.

I mean it doesn't have to be emperium aurora. They can just give the current legendary auroras that now can be converted it to limited edition and give it a little legendary boost.  It will also gives new comer more reason to purchase Dragon Honor for the fame points and convert them to dragon tokens. But I believe you just want an Emperium Aurora sprite but a legendary one, right? Those are my recolors if they do decide to make a legendary emps. If not, Ebisu does recoloring too. He is an actual developer/spriter for Forsaken. It's really up to their team. Since Emperium Aurora did begun ForsakenRO. It's the first Aurora dropped at Fadhgridh castle when ForsakenRO first begun. Old school and classic. ForsakenRO lives up to that until now. It's history to many of us. I don't see why a Legendary Emperium Aurora sprites would kill the market or anything. 


Maybe some Blue GodSpellring Aurora?


Posted (edited)
  On 10/23/2018 at 3:32 PM, Kirin said:

What would happen to all those Normal Donation aura on Tokenshop??

ROP, Zodiac, LHZ Price already drop to 500-700 toks if L.Emp Aura been add to FRo will those cheap Donation Aura become less wanted/useful? since those aura on donation shop only +20 all stats while L.Emp Aura +23 all stats/Ltd L.Emp +28 all stats?


Those donate auras have different purposes. An emp aura has diff purpose as well.

Some aura has reducts, some has physical dmg boost, some has magical dmg boost, an emp has stat boost. All of them serves different purpose.

Having a legendary emp won't make those donate auras worthless. If i am a reducts gypsy for example, i will not use a ltd legendary emp, id rather use a skull aura and the likes. Thats what i mean. It's not all about stats.

Edited by Ableton

Im sorry but i have to -1 on this suggestion, maybe if the suggestion is for us to have new EMP colors which is the one that you're suggesting with a new castle to play with, that would be nice, but creating legendary Emp, for me its just redundant, We have the Original Emp (Castle Drop) already that gives almost no difference on the stats that you are proposing, and to make it an end game item, you just have to make it Limited Edition. if we will have a legendary emperium aurora, Our economy will definitely suffer since it will be a lot easier to make and get ingame. Peace Out ^^


Adding them to a new castle for people to play with is fair to people who want an Emperium Aurora sprites? We have Original Zodiac / Legendary Zodiac. Original Mythical Flame / Legendary Mythical Flame. These guys just want an Emperium Aurora looks. Adding it to a new castle will only benefit a dominating guild. 

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