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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. it's funny i guess LOL.

  2. nah, I just play pokemon.

  3. because it sounds fucking mexican :)

  4. LOL man i'm so fucking bored all the fucking time.

  5. people used to know me as john because i hated my name juan, it's only when my ex gf started to call me juan that the name caught on.

  6. Phenomenon

    Lk Weapon

    I agree with an SP boost on the LK weapon, their SP is ridiculously low. Removing the coma effect isn't a bad idea either, since the suggestion to buff edge for knight classes was accepted anyways. An addition to bowling bash seems nice.. especially since pneuma/defender make Spiral Pierce useless anyways.
  7. now i ask you... will you marry me?

  8. daughter, are you extremely99 because you were born in 1999? :D

  9. I'm sorry, I do not think clowns need a new donation weapon of any sort, they are the epiphany of annoying. Tarot casts so many negative side effects on an enemy, and Arrow Vulcan is powerful enough as it is. I play clown just as you do, and I don't think they need an upgrade by any means. On the Assassin Cross Katar, I can agree with making an updated, more powerful version. I do not agree with making it 1 hand however, but maybe extending it a 10-15% damage reduction would be OKAY. Nothing close to having an Usakoring Shield equipped, but giving them SOME survivability.
  10. Phenomenon

    Branch Arena

    Okay. There are TONS of @warp pvp_n_etc., etc maps, okay? Their are tons of fields in which you can also spawn in and their is a 99% chance that no one will disturb you. Just don't spawn on a map in which people hunt stuff, and even then, hunters are a rare sight nowadays. I have spawned TONS of bloody branches, at a point in which the server population was higher, and I never ever got disturbed.
  11. Phenomenon

    Branch Arena

    dude. how many people will seriously take advantage of this if gets accepted/done. don't go to that map then, there's HUNDREDS more... for ****s sake. I can't believe this suggestion would EVER be taken seriously, it's frustrating me.
  12. Well, I agree that my suggestion for Guadian Stone HP may have been a bit outrageous, but I don't believe 20m is enough. Guilds have a hard enough time defending as it is, I think making it harder for a castle to break would encourage people to work together and try to defend a castle, as the new 250m HP is nice, but hardly a big obstacle in an Emperium Breaker's way. 20m for something that will be able to be penetrated by all skills with no reductions whatsoever besides those provided by WoE is by far too low. I believe a Lord Knight would be able to solo a Guardian Stone in a few seconds, dealing 100k per spiral spam. I understand that their would be 6 of this, but something along the lines of 40m~50m sounds more reasonable to me.
  13. who are you in game now ?!

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