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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. Hmm, well that's too bad. I am.

  2. yeah, I know not many people have this shield, but I don't think you will need one to be able to agree/disagree on my suggestion. The shield, as of now, increases the damage dealt with shield chain when used by a paladin by 15%. I love that we're trying to create offensive versatility within the paladin class, but I don't think this effect does much considering the Cross Shield does +30% more damage when using shield chain and weights 50 weight more. All I'm suggesting is increasing that 15% to something of a 35% to 50%. Now I know that the reduction and all the other good stuff from frigg's should make up for it, but the effect itself is rather insignificant if you're trying to be offensive on a paladin. Shield Chain is ALWAYS neutral property, and long range, so there are sooo many ways to reduce/null it's damage in PvP. I want to make that skill a viable choice for paladin's to use while in PvP, and an increase wouldn't hurt. Even more than 50% would be nice tbh.
  3. yeah well WHERE THE FOK ARE YOU. :)

  4. Phenomenon

    Sp Increase

    Hello. The Lord Knight Halberd edit was a good move. Their damage was way too high and the chance of casting coma was very dangerous and outclass almost all classes with it's offensive prowess. Now the Lord Knight still does decent, but not over powered damage, and always has the possibility of switching to a coma-exclusive weapon, such as Edge or Guillotine, if that's the path they choose to take. They are still versatile in that they have a high walking speed, high HP and the capability of escaping ganging/pushing-back enemies/force and RSX change as well as having the option of either opting for long range or close range combat. But the SP base percentage increase that was added for the weapon does barely anything to increase a huge problems which LKs face, which is consuming their HP far too quickly. It barely increases SP on a Lord Knight using 2 Fallen Bishop Hibram Cards (standard) by 15. I feel that to not only compensate for the change in the weapon, they should add a flat SP increase to the weapon of about 250 in order to help Lord Knights with the SP issue which they face.
  5. making that new shield is a b*tch. :/

    1. Hannah


      Yes... Yes, it is.

    2. Danny


      LOL hating it....

  6. espero que ganaste wei LOL

  7. someone told me you suck at hide and seek. O_O

  8. i don't go on the forums often. :/

  9. you still play man? Lol.

  10. I want a cookie too. :3 A aurora flavored one! HEH.

  11. is that new game filled with SMUT? O_O

  12. hi, I've been busy, sorry men. hit me online ya? pm me, you can tell it's me. :P

  13. again? :S sure. anything for family. :)

  14. I think everyone has taken my initial suggestions too seriously. What I suggested about monsters helping you level or paying to be buffed were just examples. I'm looking for additional input on how zeny could be used as a viable means of economy by making it useful. This could also include quests requiring large amounts of zeny (1 billion+) or having the option to use zeny instead of coupons at the equipment renter (40m equivalent to 1 donation coupon, or ?)Of course these are just EXAMPLES. I'd like additional input on other ways zeny could be used. A buffer npc doesn't seem like a bad idea actually, but it would have to charge you for it's services and it would only give you like, lets say level 10 blessing and level 10 agility up, nothing more. I'm just throwing these ideas for the use of zeny out there, anybody else have any ideas/comments?
  15. Within this server, billions of zeny exist. Players accumulate it and use it for such purposes as broadcasting, decarding, and buying consumable items (Awakening Potion, Beserk Potion, Etc). While it is true that our server is unique in the way that our economy is based on Donation Coupons, instead of zeny, I believe it would be a lot more interesting, and maybe easier for beginners, if we found a more profound way to make use of zeny within our server. For now, the usefulness of zeny mostly lies in broadcasting and, somewhat, in the purchase of donation coupons, in which the seller does it in order to have zeny to broadcast. It's what has kept the business of zeny somewhat viable, but I believe we can find a more interesting way to make use of it within the server, and I would hope that all the people which have just been collecting zeny over their time on Forsaken RO would agree. Maybe charging several million zeny for a certain service, such as a rental monster to help you level or certain exclusive consumable items which buff you with Agility Up/Blessing, etc. I'm not quite sure on the concept, I just think we could find interesting things to do with zeny to make it a more viable form of economy within our server, such as it is on other servers. Of course those are not the only possible ways of making use of zeny, those are just <b>examples</b>. I think it would be a good idea to find SOME way to get zeny thriving again, so any input woulld be greatly appreciated. UPDATED: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Definite Suggestion #1 : I suggest we integrate more long & time consuming quests such as the elite king frigg's quest. It wouldn't even have to be for items that are better than our donation gear, it could be for items that help people that are just starting out. Like those questable rucksacks that were accepted oh-so-long ago. They could add +5 to all stats, slotted, with a 5% walking speed penalty. We could integrate items that are better than the elite sets, but not as good as the donation gears. Like questable gears that take a long time to hunt and obtain, and add the exact half of all the elite forsaken king's set, with the freeze immunity intact. It would not ruin our donation rates, which we depend on to keep the server paid for, but would give people some incentive to hunt more! Because right now most people's goals are to obtain donation gear because there is no clear, GOOD, alternative. If we create good questable items, which can be as good as donation gear or better, but mostly shouldn't, it would give people more of an incentive to stop pvping/sitting around all day and actually do something productive! Now how does this whole long suggestion relate to zeny use and consumption? Well, I suggest that for any future quests, we require zeny ANDDD event tokens to be required in order to finish the quest, to increase the value and use of zeny, so we can drain down some of that huge amount of zeny accumulated in the server. I added Event Tokens to the equation because they are severely under-needed right now as most event reward items are over shadowed by donation gears, this would increase there value, in turn increasing people's desire to participate in events to obtain them, in turn making this a much more active server!
  16. I don't play often man.

  17. y u nvr on msn ;[

  18. stop it with the sexy signatures. :3

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