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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon



  3. I forgot my cleaning utensils back at Taco Bell. :(

  4. And when its you and me, I seem to forget about reality.

  5. We just don't get on ro much but we are around sometimes. xP

  6. I hate cockblockers.

  7. dude, idk what that is lol

  8. I love you forever April, IDC what anyone says. us forever. x3

  9. you are too loveable, amazing, charming, sweet, caring, etc etc etc! I win. :3

  10. you are too cute.

  11. Felt this deserved a repost, even after only a few short hours, because of how well demonstrated his point is made.
  12. Woah. Everyone seems to have lost their minds! :) Snipers aren't even that amazing of a class as to debilitate them to give them a 2 handed weapon. First of all, all other classes have a way to counteract their nullifications in some way, shape, or form. (I will give examples soon) While snipers do NOT. Here's what I mean: If someone uses safety wall against an assassin cross, an assassin cross can use grimtooth or easily attempt to break it or use soul breaker (not used most of the time). If someone uses pneuma against a lord knight, a lord knight can either push the enemy out with magnum break/sword charge to push them out or use bowling bash, and use spiral pierce against enemies using safety wall. If someone uses pneuma against a clown, a clown can push them out of the pneuma by using jupitel thunder or just spam the heck out of tarot on there enemy, which is sure to debilitate them in some way, share, or form. The list goes on.. now lets analyze a Sniper's method of combat. Someone uses pneuma + rsx to prevent the push back which they could POSSIBLY create by pushing a skid trap directly over their enemy (requires accurate pushing of the trap AND that you use immaterial arrow, because damage from ANY other arrow will kill the trap before it's pushed). Now what? Are they supposed to melee with some sort of stripping weapon or breaking weapon? They have nothing to do but to look for the support of another class or to wait out pneuma. What do you expect a sniper WITHOUT a shield to do against a champion with pneuma+rsx using TSS? I'll use my champion right now and even though I'm not very good, I bet I can outclass any sniper with a 2 hand weapon. Snipers survivability and high HP is necessary due to them being completely dependant on their damage. Traps are nice yes, but are they that viable in our high rate PVP? Champions, Assassin Cross, Stalkers can just move out of it easily. Clowns are sure to debilitate you with some nicely placed Tarots, and a Lord Knight will magnum break right out of them. Those are the mainly used classses, so what are they supposed to do now? While it may be true that using assassin cross card and traps to be evasive is nice and all, but they can't be compared to an assassin cross using sonic blow, who deals quick bursts of damage only to escape any sort of conflict with the use of backslide. Lets ALL try to duel other classes using a sniper with a 2 hand weapon and see how well we do. Magic classes anyone? Maybe an edit in their damage output or range of skills is reasonable, but what you're suggesting is highly unreasonable. I want to hear L2Aim's suggestion on this topic, the true pioneer of snipers. Pneuma > you in this case. This is not true for ANY other ranged class. They can do something with support skills and/or close-range skills.
  13. Y si eres gorda o flaca Todo eso no me importa a mí Tampoco soy perfecto Sólo sé que yo te quiero así

  14. I have a gift for you, what character are you on?

  15. Total Eclipse Of The Heart - Bonnie Tyler ♥ Vintage.

  16. have 1 of every valkyrie blessing weapon?
  17. you flatter me <3

  18. oh yeah. good luck man! :) as for me, the usual. not as exciting as you!

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