I agree that Lord Knight's need a boost. Not a major one such as an insane auto-cast being added to the Halberd (such as coma again, or much less, dispel). They excel in carrying capacity and HP except that they are limited to close range combat with little to no evasive skills. Being able to get to an enemy or push them off a pesky pneuma is nice, but what about when you want to get away from enemies when needing to change gear/get a needed item from storage? They don't have the luxury of insanely overpowered long range skills (Tarot, FAS, Arrow Vulcan). You have to be close enough to an enemy when casting Spiral Pierce to be in danger of a heavy retaliation. I think a weapon exclusively for coma, with no added stats besides a few slots would be nice and a nice alternative to a full damage weapon and give Lord Knight's something to add to their arsenal of attrition battling. Of course a slight modification to the Halberd wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea. Maybe adding an a slight increase to bowling bash or *gasp* increasing the spiral pierce damage to 125% or even 150% again. Look at Lord Knight's please people. If they are so well off why are they rarely used? You should see them fighting Clowns, Snipers, Reduction stalkers. They DO have problems with those classes. It can go either way when facing Assassin Crosses, and have a distinct advantage over Champions, but are still heavily out classed by the most used classes.