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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. I disagree with your stats on Guardian Stones, unless you disable skills being effective on them, champions will be pulling off 10m Asura Strikes on them. Edit : Also, these "WoE coupons" suggested as a means of repairing the stones are only obtainable through the drops from the castle? That's unfair IMO, as then people without means of WoE drops (who will be many) won't be able to repair them
  2. Phenomenon


  3. Wow, I like that. Lol, cute..
  4. I honestly really love the big angel wings, big devil wings, and golden dragon helmet.. <3
  5. I vote for [4]. I love Mulan and I love this depiction of it. Not to mention that it being hand drawn makes me appreciate it even more, as I can see the dedication and time put in to make it look the way it does right now. I love the colors and the images picked to be included within the drawing, good work.
  6. I'm not sure about making guardian stones ghost property, how about it being more than a sinX's game when it comes to War Of Emperium? Lets have other classes that specialize in neutral-type attacks have some use when rushing a castle (Paladin, Creator, Champion). Changing the fix rate from 8 minutes to 3 minutes seems fair in our high-rate environment. I disagree about taking prontera castle away from American WoE to add it's drops to a WoE 2.0 Castle. If anything, remove any American WoE castle and add it to Euro WoE. Agreed on buffing guardians for All WoEs, make them the way they were before. They made WoE interesting and gave versatility and usefulness to otherwise purely support, classes. Thank you! :D
  7. Phenomenon's Suggestions Note : I took these sprites for another server, I have nothing to do with their creation/distribution/use. Item : Golden Dragon Helmet Obtained Via : Donation, Voting Reward, Event Reward Sprite : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : Ying Yang Valkyrie Helmet Obtained Via : Donation, Valkyrie Exchanger NPC Sprite : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : Big Dragon Wings Obtained Via : Donation, Voting Reward, Event Reward Sprite : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : Big Angel Wings Obtained Via : Donation, Voting Reward, Event Reward Sprite : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : Tribal Ring Aurora Obtained Via : Donation, Voting Reward Sprite : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : Majora's Mask Obtained Via : Voting Reward, Questable Sprite : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : Big Devil Wings Obtained Via : Donation, Voting Reward Sprite : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item : Earth Nymph Aurora Obtained Via : Donation, Voting Reward Sprite : I believe the server's GRF has a Silver Imperial Helmet/Black Imperial Helmet/Silver Sacred Wing/Black Sacred Wing already in place, the old Designer of the server made them and I know for a fact the Silver/Black Imperial Valkyrie exists in game, so I am sure the others do as well.
  8. The old Designer of fRO showed these to me once, I tink dey pretty hot :3 Edit : I think they're in the GRF, not sure
  9. Er, I agree, but I also agree with it being a high price requirement to summon. Don't forget, that people vote on multiple accounts, and even if it were to be a decently high price, like lets say 15 voting coupons to summon a Phreeoni, if someone voted for lets say 30 accounts, they would get 30 chances at a card in about 15 days. I agree with something like Angeling, Deviling, Ghostring, but not MvPs with highly demanded cards, and certainly not Thanatos. Even if Thanatos were 100 voting coupons, in 100 days an intelligent person could have 10~30++ chances at killing it, which is not good. I say keep with the untradeable items tradition, just make them worthwhile and a heavy price tag shouldn't be a problem then.
  10. Hey I like green too, make me a signature, I pay u.

  11. Well, there isn't a lot of damage increase items/cards to be used on the Guardian Stones as there is on the emperium, since it's neutral property and formless race, but it's official defense (40) is pretty high, and looking as it has absolutely no damage reductions besides the normal scripted WoE ones, i'd say it's HP should be HIGHER than that of the current 250m HP Emperium, seeing as Thanatos Sonic Blow, Full Damage Asura Strike, Magic Bolts from an elite weapon/highness staff wielding professor would cause A LOT of damage on the guardian stone. I wouldn't put 400m or more (up to 750m?) as out of the question. Would it take a long time to get the emperium because of it's high HP? Not necessarily, if you have 3 champions doing full asura (10m+ combined damage) per second along with a multitude of meleeing sinX and magic bolting wizards/professors, it's HP will go down FAST. I say 2 castles is fair. I think ALL WoEs should have at least 2 castles, as the 1 castle in Euro WoE makes it so the entire population concentrates in one area, and that aspect of it makes it a less strategic WoE as it's all about concentrating your attackers/defenders in a sole area rather than trying to juggle to areas. WoE Drops? Emperium Auroras seem fine. How about some really likeable colors though? As well as there Imperial Valks. I would suggest something else, but we have SO many unreleased imperials/valks/RUCKSACKS. Why not use them for something?? They were created to be used and liked, not to be kept in a small group of people. How about releasing Red/Pink Emperium Aurora? Or any other 2 colors would be fine. As for additional WoE drops, maybe release the well-liked Aquaring rucksack and Firering rucksack? A sort of fire/water themed type thing? That's what I think anyways. Corresponding imperials would also be hot. <3
  12. I love you Shane, but I have to disagree. It's true that Guild Masters can tend to be corrupt and horde drops every once in awhile, but the downfalls of this suggestion far outweigh the benefits. If all the guild members knew what had dropped, they would immediately demand that they receive said item for their services and if the guild leader was planning to distribute multiple at a time to please multiple people, or wait and give the drop to the most loyal member, that would all go out the window. A guild is about camaraderie, and thus you must be able to trust the leader because of past experiences or actions of said leader, if you feel a leader is short changing everyone, you're free to leave the guild or start another guild and inform current members of your concerns. You must be able to trust the person you are under, and if you don't, simply leave. Exposing everything about the drops encourages begging and extreme actions (such as threatening to leave the guild if they are not compensated, etc), players are just not mature or level-headed enough to respect a leaders decision when obtaining drops, or else this suggestion would get my vote.
  13. I disagree with re-enabling posting on farewell topics. If people want to talk to them, they can do it privately via PM. Farewell topics can lead to flaming and unnecessary posts, as most people quit on impulse and change there mind an hour later.
  14. so you gave them to yourself eh? EJEJJE jk

  15. because you don't give me candy.

  16. Plus if we only have 1-2 castles, a large number of the population will concentrate in those 2 castles. Look at Euro WoE, it's one castle and it's a mad house in there! People will of course participate, especially if the WoE drops are worthwhile.
  17. Holy shit, I agree please. Edit : I just read this in full. So I can repeat. Holy shit. I agree. Please. Add. O_O PLEASE?
  18. so uh.. where's your items o-o

  19. I prefer almonds tbh

  20. it's okay man, i understand, and nah, i don't think so

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