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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. hi daughter, keep up the good work.

  2. yeah well men i ain't running another guild agen, sry

  3. cali would make you even darker :3

  4. ya, hope so, you're so brown now though hannah, you look burnt. HEH

  5. er, I mean the forums, sorry :x

  6. you never log on MSN, sigh

  7. Your topic is a warning man, this is a rant on how those people ruin the game by wasting our time with fail scam attempts! Check it. Edit : I love [GM]Wish, I was jk :3
  8. ei u live in cali k?

  9. well you're not allowed to make typos, i thought you were the grammar queen. QQ

  10. I agree on extending the donation period for several months, because I don't see myself having enough money to donate for everything I want in just 2-3 weeks.
  11. ignore me i'm hyper LOL

  12. yeah pretty sure, I'm also part italian

  13. Instate the Quest Rucksacks that were accepted as a Suggestion a long time ago so that it isn't too hard to get a rucksack without having to buy one/WoE for one. I think we should become more quest oriented. Items that are useful but are not quite up to par with the donation/WoE/Event items. Most of our quest-able customs are OK, but we could do better in terms of headgears and actually equipment, as the non-donation items are nice but not close to a forsaken king's set. I would love to see hard, HARD quests instated into the server and I think hardworking newbies would appreciate it. :3
  14. well i'm not unless you intimidate me menz :3

  15. in the first message you said "on my way to conneticut", then in the 2nd message you said "i'm here in conneticut", read my profile comments, and it was like 2 seconds later LOL

  16. I agree with adding a PvP room with the same restrictions as the Annihilation event, but not for the kills counting towards the PvP ladder. "3-Have the event turned into a normal event which GMs can host any time." I disagree with this suggestion, I think an event that requires as careful planning as this should be an event that has a set host date, so people know when to be ready by, instead of rushing to get ready for it, as not everyone is equipped enough to have spare annihilation event equips and normal pvp equips. However, I agree with hosting it more if possible, but all of our days seem kind of filled with GvG/WoE as it is.
  17. liar :S "i just donated another 500 Canadian Dollars today juan"


  19. LOL you said you were on your way to Connecticut, then yo usaid you were there in like 2 seconds LOL. damn azn runners.

  20. i'm not, i'm just shy and bored on RO lol

  21. yeah cuz you donate too much to RO lol

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