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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. lol? How does that make the class OP? Just report them if you see them use anything like it. That's just a sad excuse! A sinX can easily kill a clown with dual daggers and sonic blow, AV has after-cast delay while dual dagger melee does not, it's not hard to berry through an AV spam. I always kill clowns on my sinX man, I outberry the spam and get them with the melee. Also, my sinX wearing no Taos has more HP than my clown wearing 1 Tao who has MORE vit than my sinX. I usually have trouble with good sinXes when using my clown. I think other classes need a boost first before we nerf a class that has gone unchanged since 2007..
  2. Phenomenon


    I think a 2:1 requirement in order to receive the special pvp wings would be acceptable. It requires more than just being able to kill someone to claim them, IMO.
  3. Whitesmith class has inferior HP, tons of requirements on their skills (IT'S BEST OFFENSIVE SKILL IS NULLED BY QUAGMIRE, WHICH ANYONE CAN ACTIVATE WITH AN IFRIT RING, WTF?), Decrease Agi prevents the use of Cart Termination (making you choose between hitting with an Edge or put on GTB against a champion, not fun..), and the damage isn't THAT great, especially since it doesn't have the versatility of all other offensively-oriented class. It needs a higher damage output or at least have something make Cart Boost not affect the use of Cart Termination, and a bit more HP please.

  5. or at least your parent /gg

  6. lol, make me your sibling on Facebook. (:

  7. hey, that's pretty good! now if only you did something about your about me page.. it's so BLANK AND UNORIGINAL

  8. I liked your other avatar better, this one is SO boring..

  9. I would LOVE to have 15-21 slots on my single account! :D But I don't think it's possible, but I'm not sure.
  10. I believe the changing of character slots was removed from the CP in order to stop a bug that could be exploited, though I'm not sure, but I do recall it was removed for a GOOD reason. It's not necessary anyways.
  11. YO.............. COME BACK.

  12. I think Casio's referring to the fact that Champion's have a Fist and Knuckle Mastery (Iron Fist) which increases ATK by 300 when using either type of weapon. Of course, a Mace type weapon also ignores size modifiers when used so both have it's advantages. To which is better? I can't say, I've done about the same amount of damage with 29X str when testing damage. I personally like Knuckle because I can get 195 ASPD easier, though I THINK Mace does a little more damage.
  13. Well your page looked like it needed some action, it's been kind of dying, YOU KNOW? /gg

  14. will try to make my profile less boring, hit send on accident on the message before this, oops lol.


  16. I will if I win LMS

  17. do you still play this game? lol

  18. hey baby, want a bj?

  19. lady gaga sukz :(


  21. i return the favor every day ;oo

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