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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. Phenomenon

    Hokage Hat

    I don't think a modification should be done to the hat. I just think the price of it for it to be redeemed should be lowered. It's added stats and effect are not worth the insane amount of event tokens in my opinion. It's price should be equivalent to it's effect/usefulness, and for what it does it's not worth it. Something requiring 100 Event Tokens, or more, to be redeemed should be something worthy of being used in a veteran's players equipment. But it's nice for what it does, and can be useful, just at a lower price.
  2. I agree that Lord Knight's need a boost. Not a major one such as an insane auto-cast being added to the Halberd (such as coma again, or much less, dispel). They excel in carrying capacity and HP except that they are limited to close range combat with little to no evasive skills. Being able to get to an enemy or push them off a pesky pneuma is nice, but what about when you want to get away from enemies when needing to change gear/get a needed item from storage? They don't have the luxury of insanely overpowered long range skills (Tarot, FAS, Arrow Vulcan). You have to be close enough to an enemy when casting Spiral Pierce to be in danger of a heavy retaliation. I think a weapon exclusively for coma, with no added stats besides a few slots would be nice and a nice alternative to a full damage weapon and give Lord Knight's something to add to their arsenal of attrition battling. Of course a slight modification to the Halberd wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea. Maybe adding an a slight increase to bowling bash or *gasp* increasing the spiral pierce damage to 125% or even 150% again. Look at Lord Knight's please people. If they are so well off why are they rarely used? You should see them fighting Clowns, Snipers, Reduction stalkers. They DO have problems with those classes. It can go either way when facing Assassin Crosses, and have a distinct advantage over Champions, but are still heavily out classed by the most used classes.
  3. I think they are already developing a weapon similar to the valkyrie blessing's weapons for Ninjas, they just will take some time for them to be instated. I am pretty sure [GM]Veracity has mentioned this on several occasions. I would hope that weapon would cover any issues concerning damage. But I have to agree, all non-reborn classes have shitty HP. This includes Gunslingers, Soul Gladiators/Linkers, & this class as well. Their HPs are wayyy under par when compared to other classes. They deserve to get some more love from the Tao Gunka Card in the form of a boost. So show some love please GMs. :,(
  4. @Halion: I don't know how this would make GvG more competitive, would people suddenly decide to join one guild over another? I think people who want to GvG do GvG and for the guild they want to GvG for. People who don't GvG will continue to not participate in this event. Unless your post is completely irrelevant to what is posted here (the topic creator's suggestion). An event that attracts such a large magnitude of players shouldn't be limited to a certain amount of time. What if the time limit was reached when several players were still fighting each other, would that be fair when everyone was left without a prize? In the past, a few Guild vs. Guild Events have run long, but not by an obscene amount. People do eventually get caught/found and do die. To me, the thrill of the chase makes this event even better than it would be if you were bound by some time constraint. I have to agree with [GM]Wish, it would seem unfair to send a participant into a lion's den if they were grossly outnumbered. Besides that, I don't see this event to be broken by any sense. The last few Guild vs. Guild events have ended in under an hour which seems like a very reasonable amount of time to have been consumed by an event with such a large amount of participants/magnitude of it's prize. I would only see a point in instating this if Guild vs. Guild going too long were to become a serious problem, which it isn't. It isn't broken, so why fix it? It ends fairly quickly enough.
  5. Phenomenon


    I don't know if you 2 ^ noticed, but this topic was created over a year ago.
  6. Welcome Back to the server Niki! :] I hope you remember who I am based on my forum name.
  7. amazing profile yo!

  8. Water Gun attack, go!

    1. Masahiro


      lmao All hail King blastoise!

    2. Phenomenon


      nga i a marill O.O

    3. Nataly


      Awww! Marill Ish Rly Cute :D

  9. i think it's time to change from poring to an eddga

  10. sorry for being late but you know, the usual.

  11. .B.U.M.P. C'mon!
  12. What is your favorite aspect of ForsakenRO? My favorite aspect of this server is the steady flow of updates, which takes into consideration player input/desires as well as the the steady flow of support that can be found from not just staff members, but regular players as well. What do you think are our strongest areas? Our strongest areas include sporting one of the most customized (item-wise) server around as well as attempting to create balance without shifting the intended use of classes too much (which is hard to accomplish considering our rates/items). I like the professionalism that the GM team takes in all actions it takes, and the constant updating of the server for not only the good of the veterans, but the newer players as well. What would you like to see more of in future updates? More items/quests/support being offered to newer players just starting who are struggling to make a decent living. Possibly the introduction of a new, widely demanded, quest-able item/consumable item that players can attain in order to make a profit. This in hopes of resurrecting the meager in-game economy. We need to reduce the amount of donation tokens among our population. What are things we still have room for improvement on? Not sure. Maybe updating more often in smaller manners rather than to fit it all in one big one every so periodically? We do pretty well otherwise. =] What do you feel should be prioritized in future updates? Bug fixes, fixing the in-game economy, and helping new players start off.
  13. Thank you so much for the help my friend. I appreciate what you did bro. <3

  14. Updated my first post with a more clear and defined suggestion!! It's the part under the long line of "@@@@@@@@".
  15. Wrong. It's over powered. 99% of everyone elses posts state why, I will not give a valid reason. It needs a nerf please && thank you.
  16. It won't show you on my friend's list on my profile but I added you already.. and it says you're on my friend's list on my screen.

  17. ╔♫==╗ WILL

    ╚╗ ╔╝ NEVER

    ╔╝ ╚╗ STOP

    ╚==♫╝ ♥ING YOU

    Showing some love for my favorite GM. :]

  18. AHHHH, you're a car? <3

  19. I make you friend misssssssssssssssss!

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