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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. 5% reduction is fine I guess. But make it more than +15% damage against demi-human monsters, maybe 20? 25?
  2. I'm going to put my input in this discussion, because this is ridiculous. Before anyone criticizes me for QQing because I've been beat by a reduction-using stalker, I actually donated for two of the Stalker Soaring Birds, so any change that would come to it would affect me as well, and more so than anyone who bought it in-game from anyone else, but lets get it straight; The reduction is ridiculous. Stalkers can copy skills that require NO kiels whatsoever to spam, so they can go with sacred wings, a santa poring hat, and an aura and spam endlessly while wearing a maya purple+f. soldier. Mind you, their damage remains quite high at this point. I'm all for letting it keep some demi-human reduction, but I do not agree with 10%. I agree with 8%. Stalkers HAVE an advantage, they can copy skills that's spammable based on ASPD. They don't need to wear Kiels to be dangerous. They could default reducts all day if they wanted to, and still be lethal. People here who play Stalkers should ask themselves, if I were playing Lord Knight, Creator, Paladin, Assassin Cross, etc, and had to fight a reduction stalker wearing the current Stalker Soaring Bird, would I deal much damage? Would I seriously have a chance of killing something which I deal 3-4k, IF THAT, and hope my FCP doesn't run out in the process? Tao Gunka gives Stalkers a HUGE HP boost, they CAN survive, trust me. Nerf the demi-human reduction to 8%, that's what I suggest at least. 10% MAX. But remember that they can default reducts and still PvP fine. They don't need 10%, 8% is fine, maybe even less. I suggest the GMs test the damage while wearing a Reduction Hat/Wing, and see how ridiculously over-powered the bow is. People need to stop overlooking the fact that they are over-powered, and accept balance.
  3. Lets make it at least add +5% HP, just like Avian Wings, seeing that Avian Wings have that AND a slot over RAW. (Minus the 8% reflect, which lacks in comparison IMO. Maybe even 10% HP is okay. As it doesn't have a slot anyways.)
  4. I don't see the problem with increasing the weight cart capacity, as it will immediately make ALL Whitesmiths on the server (a heavly underused, and underpowered class) much better, the only aspect of it that it could affect, damage wise and one's own immediate survivability, is a Whitesmith's Cart Termination damage, as removing items from one's own cart would immediately begin to reduce one's damage. I disagree with giving a low chance for Tarot Card to be auto-cast while hitting or being hit, whichever means it's reached. Ifrit rings are always there. Agreed with changing +% Demi Human Damage to +% ATK, since +% Demi Human Damage does NOT affect cart termination. Ew, enough with the reductions on classes while holding their main offensive weapon. Instead, boost it's HP if you want them to live longer, as they DO need an HP boost considering their HP is quite not up to par with other classes while wearing Tao Gunka Card.
  5. Phenomenon

    Hi I Suggest.

  6. I agree. Make RAW 30% again please.
  7. Nice. I lyke Paladin so I'm glad to hear it.
  8. Yeah. I like your topic dude. Refer to it here. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?sho...t=0&start=0 Edit : Edited first post.
  9. Call me old fashion, but I do not like playing "tank" or "reflect" or "devotion" on my Paladin. I personally like to play offensive when I play serious PvP when using my Paladin. I suggest a separate offensive-oriented weapon or some type of boost to the offensive skills which a paladin possess. A weapon with something along the lines like increase Holy Cross damage by 100% to 150% and +20~30 some odd STR. Arguing that Paladins would be over powered or impossible to kill with this suggestion would be preposterous. Paladin's HP modifier is not THAT great as it is right now. Paladins are able to tank and support well because they choose to get 300 vit and wear Vit Belts. If they sacrifice this Vit for Str, they are certainly killable. I'm just tired of having to hope for some lucky coma or armor strip/break, or having to gang or reflect their damage in order to kill someone 1 on 1. Relying on strip/break and coma is somewhat skill-less in my opinion, and adding some STR and damage to their offensive skills wouldn't hurt in my opinion. :) EDIT : I would also like to suggest a questable/donation? Paladin Shield. They have a skill by the name of Shield Chain/Rapid Smiting, which is quite powerful, but pretty much useless in this high rate world, while I do not enjoy the idea of making it element-enchant-able, I would like a specific custom Shield for it, as it's the only skill I believe whose damage is increase based upon the statistics of the users shield. I suggest a shield which increases Shield Chain damage by about 300~500%, or something about those lines, and weights, oh lets say, 250~300 weight? It's always neutral damage mind you, so it's easily countered with ghostring and raydric cards. But seeing as it's Paladin-exclusive, I think it should have SOME usefulness.
  10. I agree with adding new PvP ladder wings. I disagree with adding +10% attack to ANY class. Champions and SinX do not need to be dealing more damage, thank you.
  11. LOL. Okay. As long as you get me a father day's gift next year

  12. Edited First Post, Bump.
  13. Bump.

  15. I like the episode where they use the Polymerization Card and fused into Rainbow Teletubby.

  16. better than nothing, no?

  17. same thing as always, sitting, drinking ice cream, watching teletubies reruns and wishing I was Po..

  18. sigh Annie, I so bore

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