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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by p3wp3w

  1. This is awesome!
  2. Do we have any active tokenshop coupons??

  3. First, congratulations! You've created a very detailed guide of your own! Also, you get to defend arguments now being thrown at your! *thumbs up* But as for the details you've put in here, I was away for like ages and is now back in-game, and I can't really put a comment on the numbers you've put on this guide. Let me keep up with the server and allow me to criticize your works. Keep up being awesome! +11111
  4. huehuehue

    1. fykka


      wow. mr. chicken!!

    2. niemono89


      oh my p3w, wb lel


    3. p3wp3w
  5. -1. 1. It is not true that Magnum Break endows your weapon with Fire Element. Only the Magnum Break damage is counted as fire element. 2. Magnum Break Damage is a Burst Damage anyways on top of your Current Damage as a Dex PvPer. 3. You only auto-cast Magnum Break IF AND ONLY IF, you are being attacked. So if you're thinking of going PvP with another Dex-type Sinx, It's just gonna be the same thing for him. 4. If you wish to remove this auto-cast ONLY TO AVOID BEING REFLECTED, well I don't think that's gonna be a good idea.
  6. +1. irl, who would not want dual wielding axes with 195 aspd? i could chop down the whole amazon forest in a day with that.
  7. "So she took an axe" "What then?" "She split herself in half" "So she would always have a friend?" "So she would always have a friend."
  8. i believe the delay placed on soul/final strike will not change despite the fact that Gepard Shield is up. Since soul/FS spam doesnt rely on aspd and is also not affected by kiels. please do not touch the delay placed on soul/fs.
  9. omg hahaha rofl S> Drake Card 300toks ea
  10. Believe me. The pyramids are dope.
  11. please see the suggested cells so you'll know :)
  12. have you read the other comments to this suggestions? if not, read them. all you do is check on suggestion and tell what you think without even knowing what's been already given.
  13. +1. Let's be open on variation.
  14. I've already asked Jorge about this matter through skype. And I just thought i need to post this as a suggestion here on forum :)
  15. Map: Dewata New Kafra Position: dewata 77 194 New Healer Position: dewata 79 194 Respawn point: dewata 78 190
  16. or maybe you can leave this suggestion running if it doesnt concern you.
  17. Maybe Increasing the Vote Credits will do the trick?
  18. This thread is for WS Bring. Thanks.
  19. Yes, yes. Pick only the suggestions of whom you respect. Be picky. It's not biased. Fuck you.

  20. Please include your suggestions on how to buff WSs with your point of view, so we can also include it and have it considered.
  21. I've seen no one has raised this yet. Honestly, I barely see WS with this build nowadays due to the fact that the damage it deals is pretty much lower compared to other classes and I think it's safe to say that it really 'died' with the fact that more varieties of builds to different classes has been added on other classes. Please feel free to leave your thoughts below so we can get it reviewed by the GM team.
  22. p3wp3w


    please click "support" on the main tabs on the upper part of the homepage :)
  23. i would like to pinpoint the comparison that you are making between Asura Strike and Final Strike. • Yes, they are both 1-shot Kill in nature. • Asura is melee while Final Strike is mid-range with 5-cell casting range. •Asura and Final Strike are both Forced to neutral element. •Asura deals a massive def-ignoring damage that can be increased/reduced by cards . Final strike deals a massive damage that does not ignore Def-calculation and can also be increased/reduced by cards. (This is the reason why there's a huge difference when it comes to Thana-user FS ninja) Now, on the fourth bullet, Asura has this 'Incantation Samurai' effect. We must start from there. FS ninja build with Incantation Samurai Card should be no more/less compared to Asura. After balancing that out, let's take a look on how will it work with thana, and the changes should be made from thereon. Please look into this.
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