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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by niemono89

  1. neko-mimi :P ichigo=strawberry XD
  2. 4. MVP room's mvp doesn't have extra loots. Its fixed to drops mvp card only :p
  3. YURI ftw XD~~~~~~~~
  4. The loser will treat 2 random mvp card to the winners XD
  5. Back in my days, we(merchants) loves to race=whose vending the fastest+greatest price in a day :P
  6. Most geared players have those cursed/blessed rings. Try stalk at the center up of @go 25 Is a golden wrapped ring that surround the players, sis :P
  7. Even tho, you can break 1 trap, millions of them awaiting you :P
  8. Well done, newcomers^^
  9. So weird when people tried to compare sinx(2nd class) with gunslinger(expanded 1st class) Both have own benefits role actually :P There's a major reason why gunslinger have massive damage=REVOLVER.RIFLES.GRENADE LAUNCHER.SHOTGUN.GATLING GUN In other way, sinx were just have melee counterparts=SWORDS.AXES.KATARS.DAGGERS. *If you can't kill players using sonic blow, soul breaker would help too,since the new updates were already implemented :P*
  10. There's guide about making those rings sis :3 Those rings were a headgear equipped at lower side :3
  11. When they need it. They will pm sis :3 Don't worry :3 Or try selling it with sets: Example,FKing knight set+cursed/blessed rings+LK halberd+3x kiels card
  12. Ep2 of kuma miko makes my day full of excitement XD

    1. niemono89




  13. Used to be my regular basis apps game. Now I'm focused on kairisei:million arthur(wannabe nana mizuki+eri kitamura+arase mio seiyuu's voice in that game<3)
  14. Noticed some new info about sinx soul breaker type (both hand)damage boost calculation :P 1. card with INT/matk boost will increase greatly(left handed) 2. card with STR/atk boost will increase greatly(right handed) Since soul breaker skill were based for 100% INT+50% STR :P
  15. That's a good point :P Hollowring card maybe will benefits for those "FB gs" that didn't want to invest too much on INT stats ~:3~ If they don't care about high damages of FB skill(maybe enough for troll noob champs+low/high hpmax users XD)
  16. Gratz for being a valk seller now. sis :3
  17. Soul breaker sinx=range spam+cloaking XD XD Miss you cuppa cappu :3
  18. Can't wait for that update to be implemented XD After this, we will catches many breakers/offenders stuck in the center of emp room :3~
  19. How about add-in hollowring card in this guide? It adds max sp by 12% anyway :P especially for FB type of GS XD Lady tanee card helps too, but the downfall is max hp -40% and max sp +50% :P
  20. I think, I've found my latest bishounen for this spring 2016=Sakamoto desu ga? (=w=)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. niemono89


      Is always up and down :P

      Try doing other things :3

    3. kyoshiro029


      well the fact that things got out of hand this past few days are really the cause of it, stupid enough... i just often make myself laugh through it all, though sometimes its not that effective

    4. niemono89


      sakamoto kya~~~~~~~


  21. Welcome to this great fro server. Feel free to check the guides here, before making some decision :P
  22. ENJOY :P That flashback=sticks my thigh out lmao
  23. Lol, valkryie rangis card were not useless :P
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