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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by niemono89

  1. debieyu, the SD were already strong enough, just need that guardian ring to surpasses it. *You'll need a good ping to spam that thingy :P*
  2. Welcome back, peeps :P
  3. WHOA, veterans like mandy also loves gs jobs now, congrats XD
  4. Another question: Lets said the sniper soaring bird have lv 10 overweight limit+sniper guardian ring that have also lv 10 overweight, does the effects get null?
  5. Erm, just wondering when will gunslinger's other types of valk's weapon/legendary counterparts will be released?(shotgun(legendary part), gatling gun, rifle, grenade launcher) Can't wait tee-hee
  6. Shokugeki no soma s2 already confirmed for summer anime 2016 woot(and some of the favs too) :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      nanatsu, d gray man, shokugeki, nejimaki, arslan and orange...

    3. kyoshiro029


      kono biju is a good though i abandon reading it when 2 new character showed up...

      xD all the names i mentioned are manga's I'm currently reading... hope black clover also gets animated

    4. Megumi.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuwMDbY52Po
  8. FAS sniper were already ignores defenses anyway. Therefore, even slot-in thanatos card in, it will makes no big different. Thanatos card were good for double strafe sniper build only :P
  9. Sakamoto desu ga? ep7 style of the week: make some random fan dance moves at any 18+ dvd stores :P

  10. Its already +20, just the description is outdated :P
  11. Hope it can be solved w/o filing a ticket XD Just need some useful solution hehe
  12. Homunculus leh main tipu, kyahaha, nas :P
  13. Other programs works just speedy as it is. But fro launcher kinda slows half pace by this week ><
  14. It's the same internet speed actually. But just whenever I'm try to relog when disconnect/1st timer launches it, it takes more than 1 minutes to boot up lmao XD Normally it won't, but just recently it happened ==!
  15. Normally my fro launcher will launch within 10-20 secs lol.
  16. It seems my fro launcher have launched very slow lately(more than 1 minutes) Even tho still can login in-game... I have even tried to re-install, changed the user account controlled setting, and also a few times of restart/shut down(the minor problems is still a downfall <==~!) Any players/GM's have experienced these case before~? And please give some useful solutions, tqvm ^^
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