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barrzabel last won the day on August 11 2015

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About barrzabel

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    @go 13, fcity

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Knight (3/10)



  1. SELLING /AURAS/ White Ice Emp [1.2k] Red Emp [1.3k] /Head Gears/ Violet Imp [600] Red Imp [600] /WINGS/ Violet Eids [800] Red Eids [800] /ACCE/ Vit Belts 2x [80each] Vit Gaunts [35] /ETC/ Event Tokens 120pcs [1:5]
  2. Good day/eve FRO GM Team, I can't multi client fRO since last week. If I open 1 character, the other would be logged out. (Not client crash because the client is still open, it will only bring me to login screen.) I thought fRO already forbids to duel/multi client, but I was seeing some of my guildmates has their alt characters logged-in without having any issues. Need help, thanks!
  3. It won't show cause its a .bmp file?
  4. IGN: Seree/Pestillence Link: https://imgur.com/a/XQaXEsh fRO Login Screen Contest - Seree_2 BMP 2.bmp
  5. Oh I remember you, Gurkak the HighWiz.
  6. barrzabel

    cant login

    Check settings
  7. Okie :)
  8. But I tested it; 120 base agi compared to 300 base agi, only 2 seconds added if 300 agi.. not much practical to add max agi then.
  9. Add Lair farming too
  10. Agi belts still adds effectiveness of slowgrace? or do we need base agi to make it more effective?
  11. I copied all the .dll files and the .ini into my fRO folder, and now the problem is solved. Thank you very much GM Danger, great help for me. /heh
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