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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Coquelicot

  1. True. I forgot to put something in my post, rip TPBM needs a massage
  2. I've never watched Toy Story 3. I don't even like Toy Story :| BUT I cry with almost every movie, including animated films like Pocahontas, Anastasia and Mulan
  3. Back on my firts days in this server, I didn't know where to find platinum skills, so I did the quest to get homunculus skills. I also didn't know the @warp command, so I just walked the entire quest
  4. ^ That looks yummy Ship captains Pink kawaii Ribbon ♥
  5. Yep, apple TPBM loves chocolate
  6. Just dance in wii FOR LYF. TPBM also likes just dance
  7. super deep TPBM is not a sports person
  8. UNICEF is donating 1 day worth of clean water for every 5 minutes you stay off your phone. > https://www.facebook.com/NowThisNews/videos/1014827431940714/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Armstrong


      I've done 47 minutes but then i had to pick up my phone to brag about it to someone. Ayyyy

    3. niemono89
    4. Coquelicot


      @kyoshiro029 sure, ask?

      I don't think I can answer cause I have no clue, but sure

  9. After the 300 raccoon dolls, he'll ask for 800 bags of stolen goods. PS: In eche we trust.
  10. Maybe 8D TPBM Likes mango
  11. Token shop or buy from a player
  12. Sometimes, yeah TPBM is wearing black
  13. Always. TPBM is laggy in game
  14. filled
  15. Maybe. In events. I rarely go to for_fild01 on pvp chars TPBM Has fallen asleep in front of the computer
  16. Morena mía, voy a contarte hasta diez. Uno es el sol que te alumbra, dos tus piernas que mandan, somos tres en tu cama
  17. Good job kyle
  18. Yep, very long hair here TPBM likes swimming
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