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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Coquelicot

  1. Hahahaha I LOVE THIS. I can't beat talby over there, but I have this char, created only to look good and sit in town. can I join? <:
  2. You don't say au revoir Johhny, you say à bientôt, duh <:
  3. I LOOOVE them! I'll request one! ....I just don't know what I want yet >__<
  4. Never. TPBM prefers rock band over just dance
  5. Oops, true. TPBM doesn't enjoy dancing
  6. Fun facts: 1. I don't know you 2. I like you.
  7. Maybe but it's only because I'm a bit old, I swear :( -jk- TPBM is not wearing pants right now
  8. not-so-fun facts about me: I have a lot of stuff to do I'm beyond bored I'll do anything to postpone what I have to do fun fact: I put something sweet in every single meal I eat/ I try to put cheese in every meal too.
  9. Yes, sadly TPBM likes sea food
  10. Too hard. 1. all the songs made by Sonic Youth 2. all the nutcracker - Tchaikovsky 3. Probably more sonic youth 4. drop it like it's hot - Snoop dogg 5. U.R.A fever - The kills
  11. Mean. D: If I'm home, I farm a bit If I'm anywhere else I stare at things. nature has just too many lovely forms and colors people says it looks weird sometimes though lol
  12. Spending the day with the love of my life ofc. made a drawing and everything c: then I'll just hang with friends probably.
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