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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by akhi

  1. haha i agree :D warframe is a combo of good graphics and a lotta action
  2. be back bitches :)
  3. Please list the games that you have played. Mine (in no particular order) 1. apb reloaded 2. team fortress 2 3. war frame 4. tribes ascend 5. war face 6. Ragnarok 7. Hawken 8. heroes and generals 9. war thunder 10. black light retribution 11. age of empires 12. need for speed most wanted 13. Gotham city impostors 14. Little fighter 2 15. prince of Persia series 16. cs (0 1.6 and go) 17. Dota 2 18. Darksiders 1/2 19. assassins creed series 20. Farcry series 21. call of duty series 22. Planetside 2 23. quake 4 24. dark souls 2 Id love to see your list too xD
  4. happy bday nigga
  5. akhi

    Six-word Novel

    Paramedics finished her text,"...love you."
  6. nice guide niggha :th_gg: :th_gg: :th_gg:
  7. akhi

    One Word Story

    Japanese tentacles :th_e4:
  8. -1 mate sorry. High wizard are actually useful if you know how to play them in woe or pvp... in woe a high wizard can team up with a champ and kill tons of ppl provided he knows how to play wizzy properly...
  9. dickheads XD
  10. i did this morning TPBM acts gay sometimes
  11. Best song ever.... Love me again - john newman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfihYWRWRTQ
  12. akhi


    How many lives have been lost due to beautiful girls? - Gregory House
  13. Just play in your house with wify. simple XD
  14. I agree with ares on this one. Gm's are busy people who have lot of work to do in game, as a result they cannot always be gentle in their ways. As they are in a hurry us co operating the best we can do. But i really am sorry for the experience you have had and i hope you do not stop playing the game.
  15. are you telepathic? O: TPBM just took a dump
  16. mit6ol0 mki8
  17. no actually TPBM masturbated today
  18. nice
  19. wut wut in the butt!! peanut butter on my balls let the dogs lick it! XD both awesome
  20. nice
  21. akhi


    Hmm ok i agree with you now. I understand what you mean. But the black holes at the center of the milky way is definitely spinning Now im jus asking... Could it be that the planets would be revolving around the black hole and will eventually collide with it?
  22. akhi


    "It is theoretical" Theories can be proved in the future when we understand science better. And black hole's do exist, it has been proved.
  23. lol ill try it out XD
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