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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ares

  1. We didn't change anything with regards to battle logs. I also do not think that there's a need to increase drop rate.
  2. Hi guys, I am seeing some exteriors here. We're only looking for INTERIORS. Thanks!
  3. Just to add, there are two types of Dragonist Armor: legendary and infamous
  4. It works fine to me. If it's not loading, try to hit REFRESH and wait for it to load. If it still doesn't work, it's probably your internet connection.
  5. Looking great as always! :D
  6. I understand where you're coming from. We'll look into this.
  7. Ares


    Please follow the forum rules. This topic should not be here.
  8. Hey man. I'm back and maybe you can show me sometime when we're both available.
  9. Some people make this game as their business and that's why they get banned. Continue doing this to make the world of fRO a happy place to play at.
  10. You totally understand how things should work. i still havent seen ykur message on Skype since I dont have access to my computer yet. You can leave a message here on forums instead. I must say that this is the best GS guide so far.
  11. Also, if I remember correctly, we want our players to make guides. I myself woudn't mindif you guys put up a guide for Frigg's shield. As long as the community has a healthy relationship among players in game and on forums, that for me is cool. :)
  12. I'm sorry if I was off as of the moment. But I haven't seen your message to me about making a guide. Good job on this anyway. :)
  13. Testing dummies have been suggested for a lot of times already. I really don't agree on putting up a free to hit aemoerium. It will just defeat its purpose of becoming a mystery. :) As for the free to hit system, I still want people interacting with one another to get better. And it still works as usual. :)
  14. Noted on the notes you guys gave. Were you guys on full when you tried achieving its full damage? And to be sure we're on the same page, what items and ewuipment were you wearing? Also, what class were you targeting with what equipment?
  15. It's available via Tokenshop (donate item) for now. We only release Legendary weapons (questable) when we find it fixed and good to go.
  16. The design pf the rifle is two handed. Risky but rewarding as well.
  17. My Favorite Interior Start date: August 20, 2016 End date: August 31, 2016 Read the MECHANICS carefully and post your screenshots here! Still on our favorites! What interior design in fRO is your favorite? My fave interior design is the new 2.0 castle. Back when GM Moogle and I decided to put on this map for 2.0, I already imagined how bloody it will become in this spot where I am standing.
  18. Well I think someone has thought of a good card combination for ODex to break Emperium. :)
  19. I just got back! Sorry for the delays on the updates. It should come very soon. XD

    1. Yatogami
    2. Ares


      wait for the VERY VERY soon

    3. Syl


      bewy bewwyy swoon! :>

  20. I don't want to break the fun here but we would appreciate it if someone else gives him a better guidelines. Thanks.
  21. This is a very old issue. It has been explained by Bishop why Full Buster should be stronger than Sniper's FAS. The Charge Attack has been added to change it's game play by instead pushing the player away. You should also know that Charge Attack is also meant for Desperado. I also got the idea of putting Charge Attack from the 3rd job (which we will never implement in the server). It has been tested thoroughly but we keep trying to balance it the way it should be. As for the Tracking, it's balanced since a lot of people cried over it. But an awesome Rifle is coming its way. I don't want to release a half-baked updates (videos and text posts) because it will only cause the same commotion which will only make things worse. But we do emergency updates IF we the specific class is OP.
  22. I see this as a good idea but we'll need to look closely coz people may find a way to abuse it.
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