I'm sorry but:
- There's TOO MANY breakers in the server already
- The emp already dies far too quick, giving a training ground for breakers will just make woe even more boring cause it'll just be a much faster hit & run hour
- There are monsters in game where you can test emp DMG already, no need for a room
- I don't see why people who doesnt want to be breakers would "test" their damage.. I see no sense in it.
- there are far better things to focus on that creating another room solely for emp breaker testing (BN users in woe maybe?)
- As previously mentioned, there are tons of breakers already who could potentially help you with snx breaker
My personal opinion.
Extra stuff:
- In my experience as a breaker, it takes longer than 1 minute to kill the emp alone
- you're never the only breaker hitting the emp.
- to some extent, DMG isn't that big of a deal because it's the person who last touches the emp breaks it.
- emp DMG is so uniform now due to the amount of items out. Before it was quite one sided due to the small number of Thana cards in game but now that's not the case.