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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by mzvlle

  1. HIS NAME IS PANDAAAAA! Le moustache
  2. Don't worry about it mate, Mitomi made me one and I made one too :) I has no excalibears to give tho :( now I want too! TPBM knows who Bring Me The Horizon is
  3. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Darker. More possibilities. Pie or pizza?
  4. Derpy McDerpderp
  5. Fun fact: I'm bored. fun fact isn't so fun
  6. mzvlle

    Buying Br Tokens

    Title says it all really. B>Battle Royale Tokens, 250each or Reasonable Offers Drop me a private message here or in-game. I'm usually in the bench by fcity pond. I wouldn't reply to any ridiculously OPed offers or trades.
  7. TRUE! TBPM's signature looks like their actual fRO char ;3
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrOuJY3G5fU BARZ.
  9. mzvlle

    Six-word Novel

    Dats dat suicidal nasty melting ass!
  10. nji9rgt5f0[-pmj I think I used my triceps to write that. that's all fucking messed up lmao
  11. Right: iPhone Left: Snapback I'll never survive. Mito i'm stealing your toblerones.
  12. Crazy Kitsune Lady
  13. TRUE. TBPM has played Batte Realms
  14. Chai Jasmine
  15. mzvlle

    One Word Story

    weekend (comma)
  16. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Come here! I have all the pistachio ice creams you could want Win. ! Dragon Clan, Lotus Clan, Serpent Clan or Wolf Clan?
  17. 128
  18. mzvlle

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted. then due to the corruption factor, your wish killed you. I wish they would re-release the WHOLE Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts in PS4
  19. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Neither, noob :P iPhones! xD PS4 or XBoX:One
  20. Mammonite that cute doge i'll burn your house! D:
  21. I LIKE THAT ^ 124
  22. Fun Fact: I'm forever a Royal Mafian.
  23. this guy did.... ever been so mad you accidentally smashed your favourite guitar in a rage?
  24. Lonely Derpressed arsehole. DOGE.
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