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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by mzvlle

  1. mzvlle

    This Or That?

  2. did someone say treats? ;3
  3. Fun Fact: I have a nipple piercing/
  4. mzvlle

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted. You got a emented Patamon that cant do shit :P I wish for a week long nap
  5. Crazy cate lady!^ :P Left Ps4 Controller Right guitar pick. Im never gonna survive the zombie apocalypse Q__Q
  6. mzvlle


    It starts with the eyes. She's gotta have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bullshit, to the good in someone. 20% angel, 80% devil. Down to earth. Ain't afraid to get a little engine grease under her fingernails.
  7. miitomi
  8. Brahm's Lullaby~
  9. nope.... although that would be funny lol xD have you ever been so mad you punched a hole in your laptop?
  10. Cumming. Euphoria
  11. TRUE! :D Let's shave grumpehh cates! WOW MUCHOS! tbpm knows the big kahuna burgers
  12. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Flat Ice Tea <3 Skype or Whatsapp? :P
  13. 122
  14. Tittybump ^ LOOL :P
  15. mzvlle

    One Word Story

  16. mzvlle

    Six-word Novel

    Not a valid reason! True Story :P
  17. Angel Heaven
  18. False!! Birthday is a best excuse for a 3 day pissup TBPM can't kill me in game ;3
  19. Whhy would you give MVP cards to someone you're mad at? .__. doesnt make sense I wasn't mad when I did that but.... maybe xD Have you ever been so mad at your partner that you and him/her had angry sex?
  20. mzvlle

    Six-word Novel

    It wasn't a naked snail LOL!
  21. mzvlle

    One Word Story

    bathroom (PERIOD)
  22. Daschunds Dolly the Drop Dead Dog
  23. The band perry - If I die young. Some dirty minded person got the song stuck in my head ~.~
  24. Loool I did that the other day xD I wasn't mad I was just hungry xD Have you ever been so mad, you slapped a bitch with a wok?
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