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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by mzvlle

  1. I actually do lol xD
  2. mzvlle

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted. You exorcised everybody... now you're the only one who's possessed but you didnt know that. I wish i had an awesome pet like Experiment 6-2-6
  3. how to counter this attack: Don't click the video! Success rate: 100% lol
  4. I believe it is worth staying in Europe for. Maybe ;) TBPM wants me to :P
  5. mzvlle

    Cars & Tuning

    Hmmm! I wonder who you're referring to...
  6. Bastards. Game of Thrones lool
  7. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    I have my pick for each & everyone of those :P Japanese - Nissan GTR 2014 German - Audi R8 v10 Swiss - Koenigsegg Argera R if you had the chance of keeping one, which keys would you take? ;)
  8. mzvlle

    One Word Story

  9. I wanna hear your accent & your voice xD >> That's a fun fact :P
  10. Hmmmmm..... we'll see ;3 ....and yeahhhhh sure you dont :P TBPM wants it to be christmas already xD
  11. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Thats fucking easy. I could go a whole lifetime without smoking. I couldn't go a heartbeat without having the urge for certain females xD Acceleration or Top Speed? xd
  12. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Drunk! <---- I'm more in control & I like drinking I havent smoked in a long time so I only do it when im drunking lol xD I mighth ave to take you up on that you know :P
  13. seeee
  14. You can't freak me out or scare me little cheeky girl ;) I'll give you enough chances to try it though =3 ahehehehe
  15. Not gonna lie, I don't! I don't have time for drifting :P You either blitz or naaaah :P mito-chan, you know your sentences can be interpreted in several ways right? ;D ahahahahaha xD
  16. Func fact about me: I'm asian I read Game of Thrones I like seranading certain girls ;3 I used to talk in a Hoodrat London Slang for quite a few years but I realised that I sounded like a fucking idiot so i stopped xD yall gotta buy me dinner first you wanna know more ;)
  17. False, i'm not an alcoholic :P but im cuter loolol look at me with my Totoro onesie tho xD TBPM can't beat my little shitbox in a dragrace ;)
  18. Picture's broken ^ :th_e4:
  19. mzvlle

    Corrupted Wish

    ...i don't even wanna corrupt that wish lol just wnna share that xD... but.. Granted, you found the map to go to the fountain of youth but I stole it ;3 Loool said it before, don't tempt me :P You never know i might just knock on your door and fullfill that request xD i wish for free 'dam tickets :P
  20. Scare me like this, i probably would either: 1> Rune like a bitch 2> Smack your ass with a chair or something i can get my hnds on xD
  21. Some of them, i dont liek most of them.... they gimme nytm@r3s! :( lolololololol like this bitch... TBPM thinks they're "Innocent" :P
  22. mzvlle

    I Got Bored Ok.

    When spectre realised that he got KO'd from Aerowolf's Focused Arrow Strikes, He then started plotting his revenge. For this task, he ventured to the forbidden lands of Kingringtopia to find the mythical being Skoll, one of Alyxia's legendary dogs.....
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