I remember the days of AP Master Yi and his funny running animation during ult, Ryze top, and green buff. Also Lee Sin before the nerfs.
I'd duo with you if I can transfer my acc from PH to NA or EUW xD
um no lol I'm not a prof, I'm a stalker. The prof who I was giving a shoutout was a friend of mine in the server. but yeah, I'm alone. I'll be happy to take up your offer :)
That part of the quest is really like that. Sometimes it will just keep on running like that for hours.. and sometimes if you're lucky, it will speak after a few minutes. I suggest relogging if you have done that part of the quest for over an hour.
Do you want the font of the "Wanna make some zeny" text similar to the ones in Ragnarok?
Or you prefer a different one?
Also, a note to everyone: The signatures shop is open again since I never got the chance to change the status of the thread.
Commission away for free! :D