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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Aerofox

  1. Same here. An explanation regarding Crimson Rose and it's old effects and current effects will be able to help the younger generation of fRO players to reach a decision about this matter.
  2. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=tickets
  3. Only Genesis handles donations, so yes, you have to wait for at least 24 hours. If it has been past 24 hours and you still haven't gotten it, file a ticket.
  4. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30338-important-changes-to-the-wiki-and-guides/
  5. The Elite Ammo Creator, now known as Legendary Ammo Creator, is located on for_elite 133 103.
  6. you must've smoked some dank kush lad
  7. Same as of the normal MvPs.
  8. Aerofox


    Logan.. that's more of a male name. Anyways, welcome (back) to ForsakenRO! Enjoy your stay. c:
  9. Aye lad. c:
  10. Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen of ForsakenRO. this is my first suggestion so mercy please :c If I'm not wrong, several months ago, we decided to have vote versions of the Infernal Capes. My suggestion is just simple, so I'll get straight to the point. Create VOTE versions of the Drake Jackets as well. Why? They have the exact stats as of the infernal capes So that people can choose which look better on their character: the infernal or the drake. Lastly, because they look good, just like the Infernal cape :D This should also be disabled for the blessed/cursed jackets since Drake jackets are needed for the said quest. Of course, since this is a suggestion, it is just simply my opinion. So I'll be happy to take the opinion of others, whether good or bad. That's all for my first suggestion, sayonara lads. I'm out. ~ Aerofox
  11. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests/silver-mvp-quest-r144 Do this quest, then once you have done it, talk to the Scientist again with your pass. It'll let you in the room. Kill the Silver MvPs to get their respective cards.
  12. Leave it aaall behind you~

  13. Any non-toaster would be able to run Ragnarok well with any setting on maximum, so your settings are pretty much fine.
  14. das rite fegit shoo git bak to ur emps
  15. Important note: We will prioritize invites for the ones who request for one via forum, than in-game. Tanukis want members who are responsible players. And by responsible, meaning that you are also active in the forum to have knowledge of the server stuff such as rules. ~ Big Boss
  16. First of all, good day GM Vera c: I ultimately suggest that we put the wiki in something separate, like another website since we have mediocre to heavy limitations in the forums for it to serve as a proper wiki. We should just use those "articles" as the way they're intended to: provide news. I've noticed all of the time when I was in fRO that some people don't know what Tokens are, if the RMS spawning time is followed here as it is, etc. Basically, I suggest that we revamp the beginner's guide to include more information and be detailed on the core mechanics and stuff. And this new beginner's guide's link should be in the message for novices when they go to Forsaken City for the first time. We have an item database in the control panel, right? :o How about we just provide a link in the wiki that will lead to that specific webpage of the control panel. Or, we can do something like a Dewey Decimal Classification for items, sample: There are several categories, and then there are subcategories under the categories, and each item that fits the category and subcategory will go on this specific webpage of the wiki. (I'll make an illustration after a day or two, was kindof sleepy when I made this reply.) It says "error". :c I can't see it. I'll edit this post for additional information, and for that illustration.
  17. My plan for this year of 2015? Become free and embrace nature. c:
  18. -1 I don't think that's a necessary change. My sniper has a full card-embedded Vote Forsaken King set, and the others are all legendary, including the accessories. I'm doing fine with it, I can kill some people in PvP. Same goes when I have a similar gear set on my stalker. Besides, the quested custom items plus the FKing set, in the right hands, can become as powerful as a donator. You just need skill. c:
  19. THIS SERIOUSLY NEEDS TO BE ACCEPTED. *throws all +1's available*
  20. happy birthday m9 but you can never escape from a stalker's eyes
  21. I forgot to say: I reserved her a slot before. But the others keep on inviting :c also I couldn't contact Piiu recently
  22. I'll be straightforward, sorry: that's a bad idea. It will simply just make a giant wormhole in the server economy, and would simply render a quarter of the donation items useless. But if you're talking about trading as in passing around your own characters, then you can do that via storage.
  23. Can you post what the Forsaken Knight Master's exact words say?
  24. pls satin
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