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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Aerofox

  1. Granted, but like the actor, he dies. And even before you make your first wish. TPBM knows what meeps are.
  2. Hit the baby, then let the Yakety Sax song play while I run. Windows 10 or 7/8/8.1?
  3. I hate it when I'm not familiar with the place, so I can't move gracefully around. TPBM does not like being interrupted when listening to music.
  4. Can't access my lappy. Signatures will be delayed to maybe last week of November, sorry to those who requested. :c

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. casidsid52
    3. kyoshiro029


      Okay pops... gonna do that :3 hope your lappy gets fix soon

    4. Aerofox


      @son Yeah, Windows 10. Partially my fault.

      @bane :c

  5. HAHAHAHAHA free tokens for faiz c: TPBM likes brownies! :o
  6. First off, welcome to ForsakenRO! :) Check this beginner's guide made by our Admins: https://forsaken-ro.net/getting-started/ > Click "Leveling" on the right side of that page to get a short but handy guide on where to level up. Afterwards, you should check the post-255/255 guide of my friend Victoria to know what to do after you hit the level cap http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/31397-newbie-guide-101/ Hope you enjoy your time in the server.
  7. Stop reminding my tummy that it is D: TPBM likes to write.
  8. I don't like the Halo that RO has, a spriter or Barbie should try to do a retouch of it. Maybe on the level of most of our custom headgears. That's all, still +1 to the idea.
  9. That, and the original suggestion. +1 on both
  10. Take off your Forsaken Wanderer Helm.
  11. I gained 2k posts in a year. I could've been using that time to get back on the honor roll. TPBM likes bananas.
  12. Updated 11/6/2015. Commission List: [done] catfern123 *Sorry that it took so long. I did finish, but forgot to post. :c [ongoing] | Bane [ongoing] | Plok [ongoing] | Luis (lyryk001) Please put credits to me when you put it on your 'Signature' on the forum. Stopped putting a mark since brushes used weren't mine. :)
  13. Just simply use the Broadcaster NPC and say "Looking for some beautiful angel named Aerofox~" and I should reply ASAP if I am online. Else, feel free to contact Hed Kandi or Calci. They're both guild inviters.
  14. h1 c00ki333 Anyway, they do seem to exist in the ID, but unreleased to the public. Maybe it's not time yet for Gen to reveal them? :o Nevertheless, +1 to this suggestion.
  15. I like the aura and your proposed effects. +1, even though I don't donate. LOL
  16. Not as much, but I do have a contempt for it. Especially Calculus, because it forces me to conform with dem methods. TPBM is afraid of spooky scary skeletons.
  17. No. Just. No. It will seriously, drastically wreck the economy, and less people will donate for Valkyrie headgears since the option of practically free fashion + power will suddenly pop up at a cheap price. LTD Valkyrie Expa headgears just simply give a +5 on All Stats. Nothing else that seems worth it. Assume that LTD headgears isn't a thing right now. If your suggestion comes to pass, most people will be literally as strong as those who donate, and they didn't even donate anything but their time spent on farming + voting for the server to get in their level. Basically a fluctuation of power between the server's ND players and donors. Also: this suggestion is clearly a selfish one. -1
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