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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. This is nice..
  2. llarenasonny

    Quest Help

    Did you go to Santa located North?
  3. Happy birthday sir..
  4. Pm me in game or reply to this post.
  5. Who drops this?
  6. Trade my prof and pally cape to your jackets. Pm me in game or reply to this post..
  7. Trade my capes to jackets.. Pm me in game or reply to this post.. Thanks
  8. I want skull aura, anyone have cheap price? Lol
  9. I failed once and didn't tried again at the moment because it's hard to hire players. What jobs and how many did you preffer? After the raid, is the price good enough?
  10. Why there's a guide in blessed ring and no guide in cursed ring? Doing the quest with guide is little bit hard because of the unwarpable map, how much more to a quest without a guidelines.
  11. Hello there.. Welcome to Fro. A few words for you. Enjoy the game, if you want to be rich, be active, farm and farm, do quest and vote.. If you have time you can pm me in game. It would be so nice for me helping newbies here.. IGN: I am strong
  12. Someone know how to do this? I still wondering how to do this, is the part one of blessed same as part one of cursed? I do a lot of blessed ring but that cursed ring I can't. Lol
  13. I'm 3 months in server and don't know how to go in safari lol..
  14. Soo finished the raid.
  15. Pm me in game. I can help you grow by teaching some ideas.
  16. +1 to this coz I think the value of ROP will go down.
  17. Ok thanks..
  18. Both 20 to 25 forsaken tokens.
  19. +1 to this. I experience this when I am in thana room, I feeled so nervous when that bot check appear in my screen wishing that it might be thana card and suddenly I'm dead ass down.
  20. Halloween village see you next year..
  21. SO hard to finish. T_T
  22. The Christmas raid is so hard.. 30 minutes time? Not good time to finish the raid unless you will bring 2 Priest, 1 tarot, and 6 snipers and you will pay(tokens) for them, sad part is can we sell the price of the raid that much? In thana room, for example, i have entered the room then i killed thana. I think my IP address must wait for 2 hours again to re-enter the room not the account only because many players do multi account so that after they killed thana they can enter without waiting again 2 hours.
  23. The raid is so hard >.<
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