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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by gagosila123

  1. F.SOLD + TOKENS = DEVI HP btw is this still alive? just message me or pm this Vhong-Navarro name in game
  2. S>SinxBlessedSet,BlueEmp T>F.SOLD+TOKEN=DEVI HP message me :3

  3. It's like no other vacation in my life..

  4. The update is nice, they will no longer abuse the warp command, but im kinda bias on the legendary baloon because they beated the donation or woe rs, cuz it has +7% hp than the normal rs....
  5. Planning to create a Champion guide to my fellow players here. <3

  6. Yeah for those who cant afford thanas w/ the donation daggers, i usually just put orc zombie card in it.....
  7. 77 words / min isnt that bad in typing?

  8. -1 to other players who likes to troll warp, +1 for me to prevent them to abuse the warp... :D
  9. Deniz LK lawl!!! :D
  10. I'll be either inactive for a while, thinking about quitting.....

  11. I think its closed due to some reason....
  12. What causes addiction?

  13. but the RO mechanics here in FRO is different on the other server, we always take that in mind :) ... so its still the best to confirm it to the Game Masters here...
  14. im still not sure bout the abysmal knight effect on the emperium? did someone confirmed the emp is an mvp???
  15. You can maybe try these 3 combos in ur spiral type: a. 2x tg, 1x sword guardian card, and 1x skel worker b. 2x tg, 2x sword guardian - if u want both have damage in spiral pierce and bowling bash c. 3x tg, 1x sword guardian or 1x skel worker
  16. I am always the cutest here XD JK! hahaha btw the 2nd cutest here still the one who made this topic! I miss her so bad! :D
  17. The aladeen???? are u referring to a genie? haha Dota 2 or League of Legends???
  18. Sex can make you smarter, but porn can make you dumber XD.. Relate? Huehehe

    1. Icon


      I beg to differ ... I learned a lot from porn ... Don't try everything you see. You WILL get slapped and forced to sleep on the couch.

  19. Hao 2 help newbies?

    1. Royals™
    2. plok123


      teach them what you have learned xD

    3. Rayray


      teach them what to do, where to hunt things, how to gain items faster and how to pvp.

  20. I think I missed her ingame :C

  21. Chocolate cake with ice cream on top ftw XD Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus? huehehe u need to choose ....
  22. Welcome to the server! I also played Nlro before
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