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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by jameslamela

  1. yes it does... OP against prof. if you wear GTB and maya, prof has already great disadvantage vs stalker. +stalker can stealth, stalker can strip, what more can you ask for?
  2. oh my oh ma gush...!!! was this fro before? so harsh!!! huehuehue!
  3. nice effort to help new guys... +1
  4. no wonder your in-game name is "D r e a m z ~" coz you dream alot. XD
  5. hello thaaarrrr!!! XD
  6. no more bots... yay!!!
  7. log out your all of you fro clients fro... close it.. the repatch.. that may do..
  8. trolololol...lolololol...... the guide has been already posted. please look for it and bluff no more... thanks...
  9. ow... another GS! XD... nice. me and trans are both barely gonna online these days due to some important matters that we need to pursue in real life. trans will be off for a week or two and im gonna be online for a couple of days a week... if you didn't found us in-game look for Don Berreta he can invite you as well...
  10. if you have problem with other players, file a ticket. period...
  11. put this to help desk section...
  12. there no need for you to bother genesis... he just finishes one update together with his team... the dude needs rest, give him a break! besides if you wanna 1on1 conversation post a ticket. for no other can read and comment unlike this one.. GMs are doing their job very well, all we have to do is to be patient and have fun for the next upcoming updates. as a non-donate player, what nighmare zero says is right... me too are like him and do same stuffs as he did. thats why i would like to say it again in behalf it was already mentioned. "if we had already done it, why couldn't you?" the "voice of the players" thing...? lol... no comment on this.. huehuehuehue!!!
  13. +1 on...; l.helm l.raw l.rs l.sacred wing colors slotted version of L.gount l.wep sprites more votable helms "compatible with vote kingset" then the rest -1....
  14. -1 to this topic slow grace is ok tarrot dont cast coma always... so its ok.. fas hurts but fast isnt that fast even with 195 aspd+3kiels.. so its ok also... lk spiral pierce...hmm... i use afk hat with cloak to dodge this.. so no problem.. gs despi... makes you lag.. its ok.. it makes me lag too... XD huehuehue!!!
  15. pair your self with a champ/bio/sniper/gunslinger well see if they'll have the confidence to use GTB... "gg"
  16. knight set +7 aspd king set +10 aspd
  17. nightmare; it happened to me last 2 yrs ago and still so fresh in my mind.. i dream about me going into an old abandon church.,inside is dark,messy,dusty,full of cob webs and totally deserted.. but then i saw a priest in the altar, crying, weeping, and grinding his teeth...i came closer to him but as i came closer his neck was starting to stretch longer until his head was dislocated from his body.. i ran away to the main exit but the statue of the crucified Jesus fell off my my and broken in half... the chest,arms, and the head was separated from the hips and feet... the head of the statue face upon me and said ".............................." he was saying something but i cant hear his message... after of his speech i woke up... with no idea what the broken figure of Christ wanna told me. i will never forget this.. this dream was so symbolic and i wanna find meaning of this. even if it was a nightmare...
  18. 3kiels+195 aspd may do the trick...!
  19. +1 i like this kind of event... me and my guild had tried this event on our own and its fun!!! XD. lk and pally are not allow to use peco coz its kinda unfair to start a marathon when somebody is riding a horse... huehuehue!
  20. -1 on this topic...orc lord work just fine...
  21. cames from a activity tokens. worth 400 activity toks in trader... crossbow and bow type weapon are same... i tried it too with my stalker's DS... +1 on ship capt. hat...
  22. -1 why enable stun effect on players even with high vit and then still putting a anti stun effect on kingset?, i just dont get your logic... im sorry. but as what people mentioned earlier.. its not cool... and not necessary to fix which are not broken... -_-
  23. +1.... if this will be implemented. many people will be encourage to play priest. since battle priest kinda rare really....
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